IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics



Dr Vishal Goyal

30. Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded

You should say:

What it was?

How did you complete it?

Why it was difficult?

And how you felt about doing it?

Sample Answer 

The difficult thing I did and succeeded in was Climbing Mount Everest. 

I meticulously planned and trained for the expedition. I undertook months of physical conditioning, altitude training, and technical skill development to prepare for the grueling ascent. With a team of experienced climbers and guides, I followed a carefully designed route, acclimatizing to the high altitudes and overcoming various challenges along the way.

Climbing Mount Everest is a monumental challenge due to its extreme altitude, unpredictable weather conditions, treacherous terrain, and the physical and mental strain it places on climbers. The thin air at high altitudes can lead to altitude sickness and other health risks. The climb involves navigating through icefalls, crevasses, and narrow ridges, all while enduring freezing temperatures and potential avalanches.

While climbing I experienced a rollercoaster of emotions throughout the journey. There were moments of exhaustion, doubt, and fear, especially during tough stretches of the climb. However, each milestone reached, each obstacle overcome, and the breathtaking views served as powerful motivators. The sense of accomplishment and fulfillment upon reaching the summit and looking out over the world from the highest point on Earth would have been an overwhelming and indescribable feeling of success and triumph. It's important to note that climbing Mount Everest is a dangerous endeavor and requires extensive preparation, experience, and the support of a skilled team.