IELTS Reading
Tips & Strategies
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Question: Which question type should I answer first?
Answer: Matching Headings
2. Question: Why Matching Headings?
Answer: To answer matching-heading type, you need to read the text in detail, which can help you develop a general idea about the text.
3. Question: How can I improve my reading?
Answer: By improving your vocabulary and reading as much as you can.
4. Question: What should I read?
Answers: Read what interests you the most. It could be about sports, Bollywood, politics, or anything else.
5. Question: Is reading the topics of my interest enough?
Answer: No, use strategies such as skimming, scanning, paraphrasing, and looking for synonyms and antonyms.
6. Question: Are there reliable sites where I can practise IELTS reading?
Answer: Yes, Click for Official IELTS Reading Practice: Academic
7. Question: Can I practise reading level-wise?
Answer: Yes, Click to visit Cambridge Assessment Reading.
8. Question: Can I attend free IELTS preparation webinars?
Answer: Yes, click to register
9. Question: Where can I find IELTS General Training Reading Test-paper?
Answer: Click to access