Let's Learn from Others' Mistakes
Common Errors
Source: Ms Falguni Nanda MT 03
Original Text
There is no doubt that nowadays, technology place a significant role in today's generation.
Corrected version:
There is no doubt that nowadays, technology plays a significant role in today's generation.
The error in the original sentence is the use of "place" instead of "plays." In the corrected sentence, "plays" is the correct verb form to agree with the subject "technology."
Improved version:
Without a shadow of a doubt, in the contemporary landscape, technology assumes an indispensable role.
Original Text
Technology development have many positive effects, whereas negative effects overweigh the positivity of technology.
Corrected version:
Technology development has many positive effects, whereas negative effects outweigh the positivity of technology.
The error in the original sentence is the use of "have" instead of "has" and "overweigh" instead of "outweigh." In the corrected sentence, "has" agrees with the singular subject "development," and "outweigh" is the correct term to indicate that negative effects are greater than positive effects.
Improved version:
While technological progress yields numerous advantages, it is often eclipsed by the prevailing drawbacks.
Original Text
Technology development place a vital role for businesses, institutions, medical sciences, etc.
Corrected version:
Technology development plays a vital role for businesses, institutions, medical sciences, etc.
The error in the original sentence is the use of "place" instead of "plays." In the corrected sentence, "plays" is the correct verb form to agree with the subject "development."
Improved version:
The evolution of technology plays an instrumental role in various spheres, including businesses, institutions, and the realm of medical sciences.
Original Text
We can do anything in just few seconds.
Corrected version:
We can do anything in just a few seconds.
The error in the original sentence is the omission of the indefinite ar ticle "a" before "few." In the corrected sentence, "a" is added to make it grammatically correct.
Improved version:
In mere seconds, we wield the power to execute a plethora of tasks, rendering life profoundly convenient.
Original Text
For instance, There are huge technological climbs in hospitals, Many machines have been introduced that provide better treatment to patients.
Corrected version:
For instance, there are significant technological advancements in hospitals. Many machines have been introduced that provide better treatment to patients.
The errors in the original sentence include the use of "There are" instead of starting the sentence directly and the awkward phrase "technological climbs." In the corrected sentence, the sentence is restructured for clarity, and "advancements" is used instead of "climbs."
Improved version:
Notably, the healthcare sector has witnessed profound transformation, courtesy of groundbreaking technology, which has introduced a myriad of cutting-edge machines to elevate patient care.
Original Text
In contrast, technology puts a very bad impact on that people who only wants to earn money, without thinking of their reputation.
Corrected version:
In contrast, technology has a very bad impact on those people who only want to earn money, without thinking of their reputation.
The errors in the original sentence include "puts" instead of "has," the article "a" missing before "very bad impact," and "that people" instead of "those people." The corrected sentence uses "has" to indicate the present tense, includes the missing article "a," and uses "those people" for clarity and agreement.
Improved version:
Conversely, technology exerts a pernicious influence on individuals solely driven by pecuniary motives, with little regard for their reputation.
Original Text
Students are getting obsessed with latest technologies, they get influenced by it.
Corrected version:
Students are getting obsessed with the latest technologies; they get influenced by them.
The error in the original sentence is the lack of punctuation to separate the two related statements. The corrected sentence adds a semicolon to connect the clauses and changes "it" to "them" to match the plural noun "technologies."
Improved version:
Students are increasingly ensnared by the allure of the latest technological advancements, often falling prey to their influence.
Original Text
For example, with the help of latest technologies, 30 % of youngsters do hacking systems to blackmail people.
Corrected version:
For example, with the help of the latest technologies, 30% of youngsters engage in hacking systems to blackmail people.
The errors in the original sentence include "the help of latest technologies" missing "the," and "do hacking systems" instead of "engage in hacking systems." The corrected sentence adds "the" for correctness and uses the appropriate phrase "engage in" for hacking activities.
Improved version:
For instance, the latest technological marvels enable a significant segment of today's youth to engage in hacking activities for extortion purposes.
Original Text
They misuse the private lives of people only to earn and only because of these 90% of the crimes have been committed till today.
Corrected version:
They misuse the private lives of people solely to earn, and as a result, 90% of the crimes have been committed to date.
The errors in the original sentence include the lack of punctuation to separate the clauses and the awkward phrasing. The corrected sentence adds punctuation for clarity and rephrases the sentence for smoother readability.
Improved version:
This grievous misuse infringes upon individuals' privacy rights and contributes substantially to the prevailing wave of contemporary criminal activities.
Original Text
People commit suicided because of misuse with the technology.
Corrected version:
People commit suicide because of technology misuse.
The error in the original sentence is the use of "suicided" instead of "suicide" and the awkward phrasing. The corrected sentence uses the correct form "suicide" and rephrases the sentence for conciseness and clarity.
Improved version:
Regrettably, instances of suicide have tragically transpired as a direct consequence of technology misuse.
Original Text
To conclude, in my opinion, pros of technology and cons are bump into each other.
Corrected version:
In conclusion, in my opinion, the pros and cons of technology often clash.
The errors in the original sentence include the awkward phrasing and the use of "bump into each other" instead of "clash." The corrected sentence uses a more common expression to convey the idea of conflicting pros and cons.
Improved version:
In summation, in my perspective, the merits and demerits of technology frequently find themselves in a collision course.
Source: Ms Falguni Nanda 04-09-23 MT 03
Original Text!
There is no doubt that nowadays, technology place a significant role in today's generation.Technology development have many positive effects,whereas negative effects overweigh the positivity of technology.
Technology development place a vital role for businesses,institutions,medical sciences, etc. We can do anything in just few seconds. Life is becoming so easy as we can reach anywhere through mobile phones, as it is also a part of technology. For instance, There are huge technological climbs in hospitals, Many machines have been introduced that provide better treatment to patients. In sciences, scientists plays a very important role in technology. They introduced many space ships like, "CHANDRAYAN 3," only because of this invention, our world are able to see our universe.
In contrast, technology puts a very bad impact on that people who only wants to earn money, without thinking of their reputation. Students are getting obsessed with latest technologies, they get influenced by it. For example, with the help of latest technologies, 30 % of youngsters do hacking systems to blackmail people. They misuse the private lives of people only to earn and only because of these 90% of the crimes have been committed till today. People commit suicided because of misuse with the technology.
To conclude, in my opinion, pros of technology and cons are bump into each other. Technology advantageous is very important for evolution of not only for our country but also for our world. Furthermore, disadvantageous of technology are rising to the peak which is dragging our country to the crime. Technology will be considered good only if there will be a drop in crime rates.
There is no doubt that nowadays, technology plays a significant role in today's generation. Technological development has many positive effects, whereas the negative effects outweigh the positivity of technology.
Technology development plays a vital role in businesses, institutions, medical sciences, etc. We can do anything in just a few seconds. Life is becoming so easy as we can reach anywhere through mobile phones, which are also a part of technology. For instance, there have been huge technological advancements in hospitals. Many machines have been introduced that provide better treatment to patients. In sciences, scientists play a very important role in technology. They have introduced many spaceships like "CHANDRAYAN 3," which has allowed our world to see our universe.
In contrast, technology has a very bad impact on those people who only want to earn money without thinking of their reputation. Students are becoming obsessed with the latest technologies and getting influenced by them. For example, with the help of the latest technologies, 30% of youngsters hack systems to blackmail people. They misuse people's private lives only to earn money, and this has led to 90% of the crimes committed today. People commit suicide because of the misuse of technology.
To conclude, in my opinion, the pros and cons of technology collide with each other. Technology's advantages are very important for the evolution of not only our country but also our world. However, the disadvantages of technology are rising to the peak, dragging our country into crime. Technology will be considered good only if there is a drop in crime rates.
Undoubtedly, in the contemporary landscape, technology stands as an irreplaceable cornerstone of our daily lives. This essay will delve into the multifaceted impact of technology on society, addressing both its merits and demerits.
Positive Aspects of Technology: Technological progress has ushered in an era of unprecedented convenience and efficiency. The ubiquity of smartphones and the internet has empowered individuals to accomplish myriad tasks within seconds. This not only enhances productivity but also fosters global connectivity, enabling us to reach distant corners of the world effortlessly. Furthermore, advancements in technology have revolutionized critical sectors, particularly healthcare, where cutting-edge machines are improving patient care and treatment outcomes.
Negative Aspects of Technology: However, this surge in technological prowess has cast a shadow over society, particularly in the realm of ethics and privacy. A notable concern is the misuse of technology by individuals driven solely by financial gain, leading to cybercrimes such as hacking and identity theft. These actions infringe upon the privacy and security of individuals, contributing significantly to the rising tide of contemporary criminal activities. Moreover, the psychological toll of excessive screen time and internet addiction, especially among students, raises questions about the long-term impact on mental health.
Balancing Act: Striking a balance between the advantages and disadvantages of technology is paramount. The benefits it offers in terms of convenience, connectivity, and advancements in vital sectors are undeniable. Nevertheless, addressing the ethical and privacy concerns that accompany this technological surge is equally imperative. Encouraging responsible and ethical use of technology, coupled with robust cybersecurity measures, can mitigate its negative repercussions.
In conclusion, technology's profound influence on contemporary society presents a double-edged sword. While it bestows us with unparalleled convenience and transformative advancements, it also poses ethical dilemmas and privacy challenges. The onus lies on us to harness its potential for the greater good while simultaneously safeguarding against its darker manifestations. Striking this equilibrium is crucial as we navigate the ever-evolving technological landscape.