IELTS Task-1 (Academic)
Tips and Strategies
The first step is to examine the data in the graph attentively. This is not a step to speed through. Before you begin writing, make sure you understand the graph.
Highlight key terms in the question and circle key spots on the graph.
Determine which crucial dates and critical information are given in the graph.
Make a plan for your writing.
Divide the data into two or three groups if the line graph has more than two lines. You could, for example, divide the data into rising and declining trends.
Consider the time frame (Past, Present, or Future) and figure out the tenses you can use.
Begin with an opening statement that briefly summarises the graph, but do not repeat the question's precise wording.
Then, in your own words, describe one or two of the graph's general tendencies. Don't go into too much detail; simply summarize the most important trends you notice while looking at the graph.
Select and write about the most essential aspects in the first main paragraph, such as rising or declining trends, or where lines connect, and provide relevant statistics only.
Do not try to cover all of the data in the line graph, and leave out any details that are not crucial to the key trends.
Do not try to interpret or understand the data in the graph, or make any computations; just describe and report it.
Keep a watchful eye on the clock. You have only 20 minutes to complete the task.