IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics



Dr Vishal Goyal

37. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on the beach, etc.).

You should say:

Where and when you saw the plastic waste?

Why there was a lot of plastic waste?

What you did do after you saw it?

And explain what your thoughts were about this?

Sample Answer 1

I saw a lot of plastic waste a few months ago when I was visiting a beach in Mumbai, India. It was a hot summer day and I had gone to take a walk along the shore. When I looked around, I was shocked to see that the beach was covered with plastic waste. There was plastic wrappers, water bottles, containers, bags and other materials strewn everywhere. 

I believe the plastic waste had washed up onshore from the ocean. There was a huge amount of litter and it was heartbreaking to see such a beautiful place being polluted in that way. People had also obviously been throwing their garbage and plastic waste directly onto the beach. 

After seeing all the plastic waste, I decided to do something about it. I started cleaning up the beach by picking up all the plastic and throwing it in the bin. I was not alone in this effort, as I noticed other people doing the same. I was glad to see that everyone was aware of the situation and wanted to do something to help. 

Seeing all the plastic waste scattered around the beach really made me think about the impact that our waste is having on our environment. We need to be more conscious of the way we use and dispose of plastic, so that we can protect our planet. 

Sample Answer 2

One summer afternoon, I visited a serene coastal beach named Sunset Bay. It was a picturesque location with golden sand, turquoise waters, and a backdrop of rugged cliffs. However, my excitement turned to dismay as I walked along the shoreline and encountered a distressing sight – an alarming amount of plastic waste strewn across the once-pristine sands.

The reason for this overwhelming plastic waste became evident as I observed the remnants of picnics and gatherings that had taken place earlier in the day. People had left behind plastic bottles, food wrappers, disposable plates, and even broken toys. It seemed as though the convenience of single-use plastics had overshadowed the responsibility of proper disposal.

After seeing the extent of the plastic pollution, I decided to take action. I located a nearby waste bin and began collecting the plastic items scattered around me. With each piece I picked up, I couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and concern for the environment. It was disheartening to witness such a beautiful natural space marred by human negligence.

As I continued to clean up the area, my thoughts shifted to the broader issue of plastic pollution and its far-reaching consequences. I reflected on the urgent need for greater awareness and responsible waste management practices. It was clear that a collective effort was required to address this pressing environmental challenge.

In the end, my actions felt like a small step in the right direction. I hoped that by cleaning up the plastic waste and setting an example for others, I could contribute to raising awareness about the importance of preserving our natural surroundings and reducing plastic consumption. The experience left me with a renewed commitment to being more mindful of my own plastic use and advocating for sustainable practices within my community.