IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics



Dr Vishal Goyal

38. Describe a time when you needed to search for information.

You should say:

What information did you need to search for?

When you searched for it?

Where you searched for it?

And explain why you needed to search for it?

Sample Answer 

There was a time when I was working on a research project about renewable energy sources for a university assignment. The specific information I needed to search for was the efficiency and environmental impact of various types of solar panels.

I began my search during the late hours of a rainy evening, trying to make the most of the quiet surroundings and my focused state of mind. I logged into the university's online library and research databases, knowing they would be reliable sources of scientific literature and studies related to renewable energy.

I searched through academic journals, research papers, and industry reports, carefully noting down data about the efficiency rates, materials used, and environmental implications of different solar panel technologies. Additionally, I visited websites of reputable energy organizations and government agencies to gather real-world statistics and case studies.

The reason I needed to search for this information was to provide a well-rounded analysis of the various solar panel options available. My research aimed to highlight the benefits and drawbacks of different technologies, helping readers make informed decisions about adopting solar energy systems based on their specific needs and priorities. I wanted to contribute meaningful insights to the growing discourse around sustainable energy and its impact on the environment.

The process of searching for this information was both challenging and rewarding. It required critical thinking, data synthesis, and the ability to discern credible sources from the abundance of information available. Ultimately, my research helped me understand the complexities of renewable energy technologies better and underscored the importance of continuous innovation in the pursuit of a greener future.