IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics



Dr Vishal Goyal

39. Describe a person you know who is from a different culture.

You should say:

Who he/she is?

Where he/she is from?

How you knew him/her?

And explain how you feel about him/her?

Sample Answer 

One of the most intriguing individuals I've had the pleasure of knowing is Maria, a vibrant and engaging woman who hails from the bustling streets of Mumbai, India. I first had the opportunity to meet Maria during a cultural exchange program that our university organized.

Maria is a talented artist with a penchant for blending traditional Indian art forms with contemporary techniques. Her intricate henna designs and colorful paintings often tell stories of her rich heritage and the modern world around her. Her creativity knows no bounds, and her passion for art is infectious.

Getting to know Maria was a delightful experience. We were paired up as roommates during the exchange program, and our shared living space quickly became a hub of cultural exchange itself. Maria would share stories of her childhood in Mumbai, describing the vibrant festivals, diverse cuisine, and the warmth of her tight-knit family. She would even teach me how to drape a saree and prepare some delicious Indian dishes.

Her enthusiasm for her culture was truly inspiring, and I felt fortunate to have the chance to learn from her. She was always patient and eager to answer my questions about India and its traditions, fostering a deep appreciation for her background within me.

As our time together continued, I developed a genuine respect and admiration for Maria. Her open-mindedness and willingness to bridge cultural gaps was a testament to her character. She was a living example of how embracing different cultures could enrich one's own life and broaden horizons.

In essence, Maria's presence left an indelible mark on me. She taught me that despite our differences, there are universal qualities that connect us all – a love for art, a desire to learn, and the ability to form meaningful connections with people from diverse backgrounds. I consider myself fortunate to have met Maria and to have shared in her world for a brief yet impactful period of time.