IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics



Dr Vishal Goyal

45. Describe a time you had a disagreement with someone.

You should say:

Who was the person?

Why did you have the disagreement ?

Was the issue resolved? If yes, how?

Sample Answer 

A time when a disagreement occurred was between my colleague, Angoori, and me. We were both part of a project team working on a critical presentation for our company's stakeholders.

The disagreement arose due to differing opinions on the direction of the presentation's content. I believed that we should focus on highlighting the technical aspects and data-driven analysis, emphasizing the precision and accuracy of our findings. On the other hand, Angoori was more inclined towards weaving in storytelling elements, aiming to make the presentation more relatable and engaging for the audience.

The tension escalated as we discussed these contrasting viewpoints during a team meeting. Both of us were passionate about our approaches, and the discussion became increasingly heated as we defended our perspectives.

Recognizing the potential for the disagreement to hinder our progress, our team leader intervened and suggested a compromise. We decided to incorporate both approaches, blending the technical analysis with carefully crafted narratives that would underscore the real-world implications of our findings.

While the issue wasn't completely resolved in the sense that one viewpoint prevailed over the other, the compromise allowed us to combine our strengths and create a presentation that was both informative and engaging. Through open communication, active listening, and a shared commitment to the project's success, Angoori and I were able to work together effectively despite our initial disagreement.

This experience highlighted the importance of collaboration, flexibility, and a willingness to find middle ground when differing viewpoints arise. It also underscored the value of seeking guidance from a neutral party, such as our team leader, to ensure that conflicts are managed constructively and that the ultimate goal of the project is prioritized.