IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics



Dr Vishal Goyal

55. Describe a movie you would like to watch again.

You should say:

When did you see this movie?

With whom you saw this movie?

What is the movie about?

Why do you want to watch this movie again?

Sample Answer 1

I recently watched the movie "3 Idiots" and I would love to watch it again. I saw this movie a few years ago, around the time of its release. I watched it with my family and friends.

"3 Idiots" is a heartwarming comedy-drama that revolves around the lives of three college friends - Rancho, Farhan, and Raju. The film primarily follows Farhan and Raju's quest to find their long-lost friend Rancho, who was known for his unique and innovative approach to education. The narrative is framed by their journey to locate Rancho and is interspersed with flashbacks of their time at an engineering college, where Rancho's unconventional methods clashed with the rigid educational system. The film explores themes of friendship, pursuing one's passion, and questioning societal norms.

I want to watch "3 Idiots" again because it's a timeless film that combines humor, emotion, and social commentary in a beautiful way. The characters' struggles, aspirations, and camaraderie are both relatable and inspiring. The film's messages about the importance of pursuing one's true passion, rather than blindly following societal expectations, resonate deeply. Additionally, the witty dialogues and memorable scenes make it an enjoyable experience that I believe is worth revisiting to capture its essence once more.

"3 Idiots" is a widely acclaimed movie that has left a lasting impact on many viewers, and the desire to watch it again is driven by the desire to relive its engaging story and meaningful messages.

Sample Answer 2

I recently watched the movie "Eternal Reverie" and I would love to watch it again. I saw this movie a couple of years ago during a rainy weekend. I watched it with my close group of friends who share a love for thought-provoking and visually stunning films.

"Eternal Reverie" is a captivating science fiction drama set in a future where advanced technology allows people to enter a shared dream world. The story follows a brilliant neuroscientist who discovers a way to explore the depths of the human mind and subconscious through these dreamscapes. As she delves deeper into the dream world, she uncovers hidden truths about human consciousness, memories, and the interconnectedness of all minds. However, her discoveries also reveal a dark and mysterious presence that threatens to unravel the fabric of reality itself.

I want to watch "Eternal Reverie" again because it left a lasting impression on me with its intricate storytelling, stunning visual effects, and profound exploration of human consciousness. The movie's philosophical themes and its ability to blend science fiction with deep introspection left me contemplating the nature of reality and the power of the human mind. I believe that watching it again would allow me to uncover new layers of meaning and appreciation for the intricate details woven into the narrative.