IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics



Dr Vishal Goyal

87. Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood.

You should say:

What was the toy?

Who gave it to you?

How often did you play with it?

Sample Answer 

One of the most cherished toys from my childhood was a remote-controlled car.

I received this toy as a birthday present from my parents when I was around eight years old. The excitement of unwrapping the gift and discovering the sleek, shiny remote-controlled car inside is a memory that still brings a smile to my face.

I played with the remote-controlled car quite often, especially during weekends and after school. I would create makeshift racetracks in the living room or take it outside to the driveway to navigate around obstacles and perform tricks. The thrill of controlling the car's movements, speeding it up, and making it change direction with the remote control was incredibly captivating. I would spend hours engrossed in imaginative play, pretending to be a race car driver or an adventurer exploring uncharted territories.

What made the toy even more special was that I often played with it alongside my friends. We would organize races, design obstacle courses, and even create storylines around the car's adventures. It became a social activity that brought us together and fostered creativity and camaraderie.

As time went on and I grew older, my interest in the remote-controlled car gradually shifted to other hobbies and activities. Eventually, the car found a place on a shelf as a fond reminder of the joy it brought during my childhood years.

In retrospect, that remote-controlled car was more than just a toy. It was a source of endless fun, a catalyst for imaginative play, and a connection to friends. The memories of maneuvering the car through twists and turns, the laughter shared with friends, and the sense of excitement and control are all part of the nostalgic tapestry that makes up my childhood experiences.