B (Q.2 of 6) The letter can be used once only

Tourism is a leisure activity which presupposes its opposite, namely regulated and organised work. It is one manifestation of how work and leisure are organised as separate and regulated spheres of social practice in modern societies. Indeed acting as a tourist is one of the defining characteristics of being ‘modern’ and the popular concept of tourism is that it is organised within particular places and occurs for regularised periods of time. Tourist relationships arise from a movement of people to, and their stay in, various destinations. This necessarily involves some movement, that is the journey, and a period of stay in a new place or places. ‘The journey and the stay’ are by definition outside the normal places of residence and work and are of a short term and temporary nature and there is a clear intention to return ‘home’ within a relatively short period of time.

List of Headings

i The politics of tourism

ii The cost of tourism

iii Justifying the study of tourism (A)

iv Tourism contrasted with travel

v The essence of modern tourism

vi Tourism versus leisure

vii The artificiality of modern tourism

viii The role of modern tour guides

ix Creating an alternative to the everyday experience

Source: Cambridge IELTS Practice Book-1 Test-4