A (Q.1 of 7) The letter can be used once only

The compiling of dictionaries has been historically the provenance of studious professorial types - usually bespectacled - who love to pore over weighty tomes and make pronouncements on the finer nuances of meaning. They were probably good at crosswords and definitely knew a lot of words, but the image was always rather dry and dusty. The latest technology, and simple technology at that, is revolutionising the content of dictionaries and the way they are put together.

List of Headings

i Grammar is corrected

ii New method of research

iii Technology learns from dictionaries

iv Non-verbal content

v The first study of spoken language

vi Traditional lexicographical methods (A)

vii Written English tells the truth

viii New phrases enter dictionary

ix A cooperative research project

x Accurate word frequency counts

xi Alternative expressions provided

Source: Cambridge IELTS Practice Book-1 Test-3