IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer

IELTS Cambridge Book 12 Test 2


14. The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Source: IELTS Cambridge Book 12 Test 2

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

Sample Answer 1

                                   The maps showcase potential changes to the downtown area of Islip. The construction of a ring road surrounding the town core will significantly alter its appearance and functionality. Furthermore, the development of this road will lead to various other changes in the vicinity.

            A new two-lane highway will encircle the town, while the main road will be transformed into a pedestrian thoroughfare. Currently, a line of shops occupies the centre of the road. However, it is evident that the shops located on the north side of the new pedestrian street will be demolished to make way for a bus stop, shopping centre, car park, and new housing. On the other hand, the restaurants and retail businesses on the south side of the street appear to remain in their current locations. Although the buildings on the south side will be replaced with new structures, the existing businesses will continue operating since the town park is expected to shrink in size.

Key phrases and vocabulary:

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

Sample Answer 2

Band 7+

          The maps show some of the possible alterations to Islip's downtown area. There will be a significant change to the town's appearance and functionality, with the construction of a ring road around the town core. In addition to new buildings, there will be other developments in the region that are directly related to the development of this route.

          An additional two-lane highway will be built to form a ring around the town, and the main road will be turned into a pedestrian thoroughfare. A line of shops along each side of the main road now runs along the middle of the road. At the same time, it is clear that retailers situated on the north side of the new pedestrian street would be demolished to make way for a bus stop, shopping centre, car park, and new housing. It does not seem that the restaurants and retail enterprises situated on the south side of the street would be relocated. The buildings on the south side of the street are being replaced with new structures, but the businesses on that side of the street will still exist since it is said that the town's park will be shrunk in size.

                                                                                                                                            199 Words

Author: Dr Vishal Goyal

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

Sample Answer 3

Band 6.5

                                   The two maps illustrate the view of the town centre at present and after its redevelopment. Overall, there will be massive changes taking place, including a new bus station, a parking area, a dual carriageway and a new housing area.

                           At present, there is a main road, and to the north and to the south of the main road are shops. The countryside is in the north of the town. The school is in the southwest of the town centre.

                                  In the future, the most striking changes will be the inclusion of a bus station, a shopping centre and a car parking area. Furthermore, the main road will be removed, and a new road with a dual carriageway will be constructed around the town centre. In addition to this, a new housing area will be established in the north of the town. However, the southern part of the town centre will remain almost the same, and shops to the south of the pedestrian area will remain the same.

                                                                                                                                             165 Words

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

Task-1 Vocabulary Quiz

The maps show some of the possible _____________ to Islip's downtown area. There will be a ___________ change to the town's appearance and __________, with the construction of a ring road ____________ the town core. In addition to new buildings, there will be __________ developments in the region __________ directly related to the development of this route.

_____________ two-lane highway will be built to form a ring around the town, and the main road will be turned into a pedestrian ___________. A line of shops along each side of the main road now runs __________ the middle of the road. While it is clear that _________ situated on the north side of the new pedestrian street would be demolished _______ make way for a bus stop, shopping centre, car park, and new ___________. It does not seem that the restaurants and retail ___________ situated on the south side of the street would be __________. The buildings on the south _________ the street are being replaced _________ new structures, but the businesses _______ that side of the street will still be in existence ________ it is said that the town's park will be shrunk ____________.

The maps below show the centre of a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for its development.

 Task-1 Vocabulary-Quiz Answer

The maps show some of the possible alterations to Islip's downtown area. There will be a significant change to the town's appearance and functionality, with the construction of a ring road around the town core. In addition to new buildings, there will be other developments in the region that are directly related to the development of this route.

An additional two-lane highway will be built to form a ring around the town, and the main road will be turned into a pedestrian thoroughfare. A line of shops along each side of the main road now runs along the middle of the road. At the same time, it is clear that retailers situated on the north side of the new pedestrian street would be demolished to make way for a bus stop, shopping centre, car park, and new housing. It does not seem that the restaurants and retail enterprises situated on the south side of the street would be relocated. The buildings on the south side of the street are being replaced with new structures, but the businesses on that side of the street will still exist since it is said that the town's park will be shrunk in size.