IELTS Speaking

Part-1 Topics




Yes, I do know my neighbours. We have been living in the same neighbourhood for many years, so we have become quite friendly over time. We often chat when we meet and have even had a few dinners together. 

Yes, I get on very well with my neighbours. We have a good understanding and respect for each other and enjoy spending time together. 

3. What do you think of your neighbours?

I think my neighbours are great. They are friendly, helpful, and always willing to lend a hand. They are also good neighbours and look out for each other. 

4. How often do you see your neighbors? 

I see my neighbours quite often. We run into each other when out walking our dogs, when we are doing yard work, or when we have social gatherings in the neighbourhood. 

5. Do you invite your neighbors to your home?

Yes, I do invite my neighbours to my home. We often have barbecues and other small gatherings, and my neighbours are always welcome to join us. 

6. What kind of relationship do you share with your neighbours? 

I have a very positive and friendly relationship with my neighbours. We share a mutual respect, help each other out when needed, and enjoy spending time together.

7. Do you think you are a good neighbour? 

Yes, I think I am a good neighbour. I am respectful of my neighbours, always willing to lend a hand, and am open to socializing with them.

8. How can neighbours be helpful? 

Neighbours can be helpful in many ways. They can help keep an eye on each other's homes, offer support and assistance when needed, and be a friendly face in the neighbourhood.

9. Do you like the neighbourhood you live in?

Yes, I really like the neighbourhood I live in. It is quiet and peaceful, with friendly and welcoming neighbours. The area is also very safe and has plenty of green spaces for people to enjoy. 

10. What kinds of problems do people sometimes have with their neighbours? 

People sometimes have problems with their neighbours for a variety of reasons. These can include noise issues, disagreement over property boundaries, or even arguments over pet ownership. 

11.What new things would you like to have in your neighborhood? 

I would like to see more public parks and green spaces in my neighbourhood. I would also like to see more community events and activities, so that neighbours can come together and get to know one another better.