IELTS Speaking

Part-1 Topics


  1. Do you have a healthy diet?

I try to eat a well-balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. I also try to avoid processed foods, added sugars, and saturated fats.

  1. What do you like to eat?

I enjoy a wide variety of foods, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, fish, and poultry. I also enjoy trying new cuisines from all over the world. I enjoy eating healthy foods because they keep me energized and make me feel my best. Eating a variety of foods also ensures that I receive all of the vitamins and minerals that my body requires.

3. Do you eat a lot?

No, I try to eat healthily and limit my caloric intake. Overeating can lead to weight gain, which can increase the risk of a variety of health problems and lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

4. What is your favourite meal of the day?Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. I enjoy beginning my day with a hearty breakfast that fuels me for the rest of the day. It's an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, as well as protein. Eating breakfast also helps me stay focused and productive throughout the day.5. Have you always liked the same food?No, tastes evolve over time. People may discover that they prefer different foods as they grow and encounter new cultures and cuisines.6. What do you think of fast food?

I believe that fast food can be convenient and tasty, but it is not the healthiest option. Too much fast food can lead to health problems like obesity, so it's important to eat it in moderation. 

7. Do you prefer eating out or eating at your home?That is entirely dependent on the situation and my mood. I sometimes prefer the comfort and convenience of eating at home, but I also enjoy the atmosphere and variety of eating out.8. Is there any food you dislike?

Yes, I am allergic to spicy foods and raw onions. They are too strong and overpowering in flavor for me.

9. Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own?It depends on my mood. Sometimes I prefer to eat alone, when I want to relax and reflect, but other times I enjoy eating with others, to share conversation and laughter. 10. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?

I started the day with some fruit and coffee. I opted for fruits because they are a nutritious and satisfying breakfast option, and for coffee because it adds flavor and boosts my energy.