IELTS Speaking

Part-3  Topics


Dr Vishal Goyal



1. Why do you think diet is important?

Diet is important because what you eat can have a profound effect on your overall health and wellness. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and help you have more energy. Eating a nutritious diet can also help you feel better physically and mentally, and it may even help improve your mood.

2. How can we make people eat healthier food?

There are many ways to encourage people to eat healthier foods. Education is key to helping people understand the importance of healthy eating and making good food choices. Providing access to healthy foods in schools, worksites, and other public places is also important. Creating incentives for healthy eating, such as subsidized fruits and vegetables, can help to make healthy foods more affordable. Finally, creating social support systems, such as community gardens or cooking classes, can also help to encourage people to eat healthier. 

3. Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country.

People in India eat a variety of foods. The most common foods are rice, wheat, and other grains, as well as legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and meat. Indian cuisine also includes a variety of spices, herbs, and other ingredients, such as chilies, ginger, and garlic. Popular dishes include curries, dals, and roti (flatbread). People in India also enjoy snacking on street foods, such as samosas, pakoras, and vada pav. 

4. On what occasions do you eat special foods?

In India, special foods are typically eaten on festive occasions such as Holi, Diwali, Eid, and other religious holidays. On Diwali, for example, it is customary to make special dishes such as mithai (sweets), sevaiyaan (vermicelli) and kheer (rice pudding). On Holi, people often enjoy gujiya (sweet dumplings) and mathri (deep-fried snacks). On Eid, people usually serve biryani (spiced rice), kebabs, and other traditional dishes. 

5. Starvation is a problem in many parts of the world. What do you think should be done about it?

Starvation is a major global issue and one that must be addressed on multiple levels. Governments should invest in food security initiatives and enforce policies that protect vulnerable populations from food insecurity. International organizations should help to provide emergency food aid and nutrition programs to those in need. Additionally, individuals and organizations can help by donating time and money to food banks, food pantries, and other organizations that provide food to those in need. Finally, people can raise awareness of the issue of food insecurity and advocate for policies that promote access to adequate nutrition. 

6. Do you think different regions have different food?

Yes, different regions have different food due to their unique climates, soil types, and agricultural practices. Regional cuisine is also heavily influenced by cultural traditions and the availability of certain ingredients. 

7. Do you think that food plays an important part in festivals?

Yes, food plays an important part in festivals because it is often a key element in celebrating important events and holidays. Food is a way to bring people together and to share a common experience. It also serves as a reminder of particular festivals and events, making them even more special. 

8. Do you think in the future people will eat out more than at home?

It's hard to say for certain, but it is likely that people will continue to eat out more than at home in the future. As technology advances and convenience becomes increasingly important, people are likely to seek out more convenient and efficient ways to eat. Additionally, with the rise in food delivery services, there is more potential for people to enjoy restaurant meals at home without having to leave the house.