IELTS Speaking

Part-3  Topics


     Dr Vishal Goyal


Online Reviews

In my country and many others, people write online reviews about a wide range of products, services, and experiences. This can include reviews for restaurants, hotels, electronic devices, movies, books, online retailers, and various other businesses or services. People also write reviews about healthcare providers, educational institutions, and even government services. 

There are several reasons why people write online reviews. Some people write reviews to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a product or service. They may want to share their experiences with others, offer recommendations, or warn others about potential issues. Others write reviews as a way to provide feedback to companies and help them improve their offerings. Additionally, some people write reviews because they enjoy sharing their opinions and contributing to online communities. 

3. Do you think that online reviews are good for both shoppers and companies?

Online reviews can be beneficial for both shoppers and companies. For shoppers, reviews provide valuable insights and help them make informed decisions about their purchases. They can learn about the quality, features, and potential issues of a product or service before buying it. For companies, online reviews serve as a feedback mechanism that allows them to understand their customers' needs, identify areas for improvement, and build a positive reputation. Positive reviews can attract new customers, while negative reviews can highlight areas that require attention. 

4. What do you think it might be like to work in a customer service job?

Working in a customer service job can vary depending on the industry and company. Customer service representatives often interact with customers directly, addressing their inquiries, resolving issues, and providing assistance. It can be challenging at times, as representatives need to handle a variety of customer emotions and situations. However, it can also be rewarding to help customers and provide solutions to their problems. 

5. Do you agree that customers are more likely to complain nowadays?

It is subjective to say whether customers are more likely to complain nowadays. With the advent of online platforms and social media, customers now have more avenues to express their opinions and concerns. However, it's worth noting that the increase in complaints may be due to greater visibility rather than a change in customers' behavior. 

6. How important is it for companies to take all customer complaints seriously? 

It is crucial for companies to take all customer complaints seriously. Customer complaints can highlight areas where a company's products or services are falling short, and addressing these concerns can lead to improvements and increased customer satisfaction. Ignoring or dismissing complaints can result in a negative impact on a company's reputation, customer loyalty, and ultimately, its bottom line. By addressing complaints promptly and effectively, companies have an opportunity to turn dissatisfied customers into loyal advocates