IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics


55. Talk about a toy you liked in your childhood.

  You should say:

 What was the toy?

 Who gave it to you?

 How often did you play it with? 

Sample Answer

Sure, I'd be happy to talk about a toy I liked in my childhood. 

The toy I really enjoyed playing with as a child was a stuffed teddy bear. It was a brown bear, with a big nose, floppy arms, and a cute smile. It was very soft and cuddly, and I loved to hug it and carry it around with me wherever I went.

My parents gave me the teddy bear as a gift on my third birthday. I remember being so excited when I first saw it! I immediately hugged it tightly and didn't let go for the rest of the day.

I played with my teddy bear all the time when I was a kid. I would take it to bed with me every night, and I would often bring it with me on car rides or trips to the park. I loved to pretend that the teddy bear was my best friend, and I would talk to it and tell it all of my secrets.

As I got older, I didn't play with the teddy bear quite as often, but I still kept it in my room as a reminder of my childhood. I would occasionally take it down from the shelf and give it a hug, and it always brought back happy memories of my younger years.

Even though I'm all grown up now, I still have a soft spot for teddy bears. Whenever I see one in a store, it always makes me smile and remember my beloved childhood friend.