IELTS Speaking

Part-3  Topics


       Dr Vishal Goyal



The cost of higher education varies from country to country. In many places, higher education can be quite expensive, especially in countries where tuition fees are high and student loans are common. However, there are also countries that offer more affordable or even free education at public institutions. 

The question of whether students should pay for their university education is a topic of ongoing debate. Different countries and education systems have varying approaches. Some argue that higher education should be accessible to all regardless of financial means, and advocate for free education. Others argue that students should bear some of the costs to ensure they value and invest in their education. Ultimately, the approach depends on societal values, available resources, and the specific goals of a country's education system.

3. What advantages do universities bring to society? Is it the same in your country?

Universities bring numerous advantages to society. They serve as centers of knowledge and learning, fostering intellectual development and critical thinking among students. Through their research and innovation, universities contribute to advancements in various fields, such as science, technology, medicine, and social sciences. They also play a crucial role in preparing the future workforce by providing specialized education and training. Additionally, universities often act as hubs for cultural exchange, promoting diversity and tolerance. In my country, universities are valued for their contribution to the overall development of society and are recognized as key drivers of progress and innovation. 

4. Which is more important, research or teaching? Why?

Both research and teaching are crucial components of higher education, and they complement each other. Research generates new knowledge and advances society, while teaching ensures the transfer of knowledge and prepares students for their careers. The importance of research and teaching may vary depending on the goals of a specific institution or the balance sought between academic pursuits and practical applications. 

5. How should students spend their summer vacations? How do/did you spend it?

Students can spend their summer vacations in a variety of ways depending on their interests and goals. It can be a great time to explore new hobbies, engage in volunteer work, or take up internships to gain practical experience in their field of study. Traveling and immersing oneself in different cultures can also provide valuable learning experiences. Additionally, students can use this time to relax, recharge, and prioritize self-care to ensure a healthy work-life balance. As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences, but many individuals choose a combination of productive and leisure activities during their summer vacations to make the most of their time off from studies. 

6. What are the advantages of private universities than public universities?  

Private universities offer several advantages compared to public universities. Firstly, they often have smaller class sizes, allowing for more personalized attention and interaction with professors. This can enhance the learning experience and promote better academic performance. Secondly, private universities tend to have more resources and funding, enabling them to invest in state-of-the-art facilities, research opportunities, and specialized programs. This can provide students with access to cutting-edge technology and a wider range of educational opportunities. Additionally, private universities often have strong industry connections and networks, leading to better internship and job placement opportunities for students. Lastly, private universities can offer a more flexible and tailored curriculum, allowing students to choose from a broader range of courses and pursue interdisciplinary studies.