IELTS Speaking

Part-3  Topics


    Dr Vishal Goyal


Science & Technology

The most common type of technology used in India is mobile phones, followed by computers and the internet. Other popular technologies include TVs, digital cameras, and home entertainment systems.  

Other sectors in India that require technology include banking and finance, healthcare, retail, manufacturing, transportation, education, and agriculture. Additionally, governments are increasingly turning to technology to help improve public services and enhance economic development. 

3. Is it possible to live without technology?

It is possible to live without technology, but it would be much more difficult than it is to live with it. Technology has become so pervasive in our lives that it would be difficult to imagine life without it. Examples of activities that would be difficult or impossible without technology include shopping, communication, and entertainment. 

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology?

The advantages of technology include increased efficiency, improved communication, better access to information, and more convenience. The disadvantages of technology include an increased reliance on technology, potential security risks, and negative environmental impacts. 

5. What is the impact of technology on people’s lives?

The impact of technology on people’s lives is both positive and negative. On the positive side, technology has allowed people to stay connected, access information quickly, and be more productive. On the negative side, technology can lead to digital addiction, distraction, and alienation from others. 

6. How do you think modern technology will change the way people work in the future?

Modern technology is likely to continue to change the way people work in the future in a variety of ways. Automation will probably become more prevalent, allowing people to complete tasks more quickly and with fewer errors. Virtual reality and augmented reality will likely become more widely used for training purposes, and cloud computing will continue to revolutionize the way people collaborate and access data. Additionally, advances in artificial intelligence will likely lead to more sophisticated applications that can automate complex tasks. 

7. How can technology make our life easier?

Technology can make our lives easier in a variety of ways. It can automate tedious tasks, such as data entry and scheduling, and it can provide us with access to information quickly and easily. Technology can also help us stay connected with friends and family, and it can provide entertainment and educational opportunities. Additionally, technology can help us monitor our health and fitness, and it can help us manage our finances more effectively. 

8. What are some of the greatest technological achievements?

Some of the greatest technological achievements include the invention of the printing press, the development of the internet, the invention of the transistor, the first spaceflight, the invention of the mobile phone, the development of artificial intelligence, the invention of the digital camera, the development of the World Wide Web, and the creation of the first computer. 

9. What is the difference between science and technology?

The difference between science and technology is that science is the study of the natural world through observation and experimentation, while technology is the application of scientific knowledge to create tools and processes that solve problems. Science seeks to understand the world, while technology seeks to manipulate it. 

10. Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs) in the future or make more work? Why?

Robots will likely cause some unemployment in the future, as they will be able to do certain types of jobs more efficiently than humans. However, they may also create new jobs, as businesses will require people to program, maintain, and manage the robots. Additionally, robots could help to reduce the amount of manual labor required in certain industries, freeing up people to work in more creative and innovative roles. 

11. How do you think face to face communication differs from communication using computers?

Face to face communication offers a variety of benefits that cannot be replicated through computer-based communication. These benefits include the ability to read body language, the ability to express emotion, and the ability to have a more meaningful conversation. Additionally, face to face communication allows for more spontaneity and allows people to form relationships with one another. Computer-based communication, on the other hand, is often limited to written words, which can be misinterpreted, and is often less personal. 

12. What are the good and bad aspects of using a computer?

The good aspects of using a computer include increased productivity, easier access to information, and the ability to automate certain tasks. The bad aspects of using a computer include potential security risks, digital addiction, and the risk of replacing face to face communication with computer-based communication. Additionally, computers may lead to the displacement of certain jobs and the exploitation of workers in developing countries. 

13. What social changes have cell phones made?

Cell phones have had a significant impact on social life. They have enabled people to stay connected with friends and family no matter where they are, and they have made it easier for people to access information quickly. Additionally, cell phones have changed the way people communicate, as text messaging has become a popular way of communicating, and social media has become a popular way of sharing information and connecting with others. 

14. Do you think using cell phones too much is bad for our physical or mental health? Why?

Using cell phones too much can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. Excessive use of cell phones can lead to neck and back pain from poor posture, eye strain from staring at screens for too long, and sleep deprivation from late-night texting. Additionally, it can increase stress levels, lead to feelings of isolation, and cause people to become more easily distracted. 

15. To stop global warming that the amount of car driving should be limited or changed? What do you think?

The amount of car driving should be limited in order to stop global warming. This can be accomplished by implementing policies such as congestion pricing, carpooling incentives, and public transportation upgrades. Additionally, people should be encouraged to use alternative forms of transportation, such as walking, biking, or taking public transportation, whenever possible. Finally, investments should be made in renewable energy sources and energy-efficient vehicles in order to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. 

16. Do you think modern technology reduces or increases stress? Why?

Modern technology can both reduce and increase stress, depending on how it is used. On one hand, technology can help people stay organized and connected, reducing their stress levels. On the other hand, technology can be a source of stress if it is used excessively or if people become overly reliant on it. Additionally, technology can lead to digital addiction, which can cause stress, anxiety, and depression. 

17. Do you think money should be spent to explore space or is it better spent helping people on earth? Why?

Whether money should be spent to explore space or to help people on Earth is a matter of personal opinion. Some argue that exploring space could yield valuable scientific and technological advancements that would benefit humankind, while others argue that money should be spent on Earth to address issues such as poverty and the climate crisis. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide which is the more important priority. 

18. What is your opinion about children playing violent video games or computer programs?

My opinion is that playing violent video games or computer programs can have a negative impact on children's development. Such games can lead to desensitization to violence and can encourage aggression. Additionally, they can expose children to inappropriate content and can detract from other activities that could be beneficial, such as reading or playing outdoors. Therefore, I believe that children should be discouraged from playing such games. 

19. What do you think should be done to people who spread viruses, start hoaxes or create spam on the Internet?

People who spread viruses, start hoaxes, or create spam on the Internet should be held accountable for their actions. Depending on the severity of the offense, they should be subject to legal penalties, such as fines or jail time. Additionally, Internet service providers should take steps to block malicious content and educate users on how to protect themselves from cybercrime. 

20. How have technological advances affected our life?

Technological advances have had a major impact on our lives. They have enabled us to stay connected with friends and family, access information quickly and easily, automate tedious tasks, and enjoy entertainment and educational opportunities. Additionally, they have enabled businesses to operate more efficiently, while also leading to new economic opportunities.