IELTS Speaking

Part-3  Topics


Dr Vishal Goyal



Education priorities today are focused on preparing students for a rapidly changing world. This differs from educational priorities in the past, which were more focused on memorization, rote learning, and the transmission of facts. Today, the emphasis is on developing skills such as problem solving, communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. Technology is also increasingly playing a role in the classroom, with an emphasis on teaching coding and technology skills. 

I think that teaching languages in schools is a valuable and important skill for students to have. Learning a language can open up many opportunities, from being able to communicate with people from different cultures to understanding literature written in other languages. However, I think it is important that language classes be taught in a way that is engaging and fun for students, and that the focus is on developing practical language skills rather than just memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary.

3. How can the type of school you go to affect career success?

The type of school you go to can affect career success in a number of ways. Attending a school with a good academic reputation can help you stand out from other job applicants. In addition, attending a school that offers specialized courses or programs related to your chosen career can provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in that field. Having access to influential professors and alumni in your chosen field can also help open doors to job opportunities or internships. Finally, attending a prestigious school can make it easier to land a job with a competitive salary. 

4. Should schools teach both arts and science?

Yes, schools should teach both arts and science. Arts and science are both important for students to learn and understand. Arts provide students with the opportunity to express themselves creatively, while science provides students with knowledge and skills to develop critical thinking. Teaching both subjects helps students to become well-rounded individuals and help them prepare for the future. 

5. Why do some students dislike studying at school?

Some students dislike studying at school because they find it difficult to concentrate in a classroom environment, they may feel overwhelmed or bored, or they may not understand the material being taught. Additionally, some students may not enjoy the competitive atmosphere or the pressure to perform well on tests and assignments. 

6. What school activities are good for schoolchildren?

School activities such as clubs, sports, drama, music, and art can help schoolchildren in many ways. They can help them acquire new skills, build relationships, and develop confidence. Club activities can help students explore interests and engage in meaningful conversations. Sports can help them learn teamwork, develop communication and decision-making skills, and stay physically active. Drama, music, and art can provide a creative outlet and help students express themselves. All of these activities can help schoolchildren learn important life skills, make friends, and have fun. 

7. Are there good colleges in your country?

Yes, there are many excellent colleges in India. Some of the most well-known colleges in India include the Indian Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Management, the National Institutes of Technology, and the reputed universities such as the University of Delhi, University of Mumbai, and University of Calcutta. 

8. Are college tuitions reasonable in your country?

College tuitions in India are generally quite reasonable. Tuition fees vary depending on the type of college and program, but most universities and colleges offer tuition fees that are significantly lower than those found in other countries. Additionally, many universities and colleges offer scholarship and financial aid programs to help students pay for their education.


9. Do many people in your country study abroad?

Yes, many people in India study abroad. This is typically done for a variety of reasons, including access to higher quality education, access to a wider range of courses and majors, better job opportunities, and a chance to experience a different culture. Additionally, studying abroad can provide an opportunity to learn a new language, gain international experience, and make new friends from around the world. 

10. Are women encouraged to pursue education?

Yes, women are encouraged to pursue education. In many countries, there are laws and initiatives that aim to promote gender equality in education. In many countries, there are also scholarships and grants available specifically for women to help them pursue their educational goals. 

11. Do you think teachers are paid enough?

No, I do not think teachers are paid enough. Teachers have one of the most important roles in society, yet they are often not compensated for their hard work and dedication. They often have to work long hours, including evenings and weekends, yet their salary does not reflect the dedication they put into their profession. Additionally, the cost of living is increasing, yet teachers' salaries are not keeping up with inflation. 

12. Do you think your country should spend more money on schools?

Yes, I do think my country should spend more money on schools. Education is the foundation of any successful society, and investing in education is investing in the future of the country. Schools need adequate resources to provide quality education and learning opportunities for students, and more money can be used to improve facilities, hire more qualified staff, and provide more educational opportunities and activities. Having better schools can help reduce dropout rates, improve educational outcomes, and create a more competitive workforce. 

13. Do you think it is easier to learn as a child or as an adult?

It depends on the individual and the subject. Generally speaking, children tend to learn more quickly than adults because of their developing neural pathways, but adults often have more life experience and a better understanding of the context of the subject matter. 

14. Does education guarantee a good job?

No, education does not guarantee a good job. While it is true that having a college education is often beneficial and necessary for many types of jobs, there is no guarantee that any particular individual will get the job they desire. Factors such as experience, networking, and luck can all play a role in whether or not someone is successful in their job search. 

15. Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?

It can be difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where I live, depending on the job they are looking for. Many employers prefer to hire candidates with a college degree or higher. However, there are still many jobs available for people without a college education. It just may take some extra effort to find them. 

16. What are the qualities of a good student?

A good student takes responsibility for their own learning and is accountable for their actions. He is organized and prepared for class. He communicates effectively with their teacher and classmates. He is curious and eager to learn.  

17. Does your country provide a good public school system?

Yes, India has a good public school system and is committed to improving the quality of education provided in public schools. The government provides free education and grants to support public schools, including providing funds for infrastructure and teacher training. Schools also have access to technology and other resources to help promote a quality education. Additionally, the government has implemented initiatives to improve access to quality education and reduce gender disparities in the education system.