IELTS Speaking

Part-2  Topics


60. Describe an indoor game you enjoy playing.

You should say:

What the game is?

How you learned to play it?

And explain why you enjoy playing this game?

Sample Answer

Sure, I'd be happy to describe an indoor game I enjoy playing.

One of my favorite indoor games is called "Ludo". It's a board game that can be played by 2 to 4 players, and the objective is to be the first player to move all of their tokens from the start to the finish.

I first learned how to play Ludo when I was a child. My parents had a Ludo board game at home, and they would play it with me and my siblings. Over time, I became better at the game and began to enjoy it more and more.

There are several reasons why I enjoy playing Ludo. Firstly, it's a great way to spend time with family and friends. Ludo is a social game that can be played by people of all ages, and it's a fun way to bond with loved ones.

Secondly, I enjoy the strategy aspect of the game. Trying to strategically move my tokens to avoid getting captured by opponents and to reach the finish line first is a fun challenge that keeps me engaged throughout the game.

Lastly, I enjoy playing Ludo because it's a relaxing and entertaining activity that can be played indoors, which makes it perfect for rainy days or lazy afternoons at home.

Overall, Ludo is a game that I always enjoy playing, whether I'm playing with friends or just practicing on my own. It's a great way to spend time with loved ones, exercise my brain, and have fun.