IELTS Speaking

Part-1 Topics



The type of noise and its volume are what determine it. I can tolerate some background noise, but it can be bothersome if it is too loud or intrusive.

It depends on the level of noise and the type of work I'm doing. I can usually work in a noisy environment if the noise level is low and not distracting.

3. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

I hear a lot of different sounds every day, such as traffic, people talking, music, construction, animals, and more. 

4. What kind of sound do you like and dislike?

Nature's sounds, such as birds chirping, running water, and rustling leaves, appeal to me. Loud noises, such as sirens and car alarms, irritate me.

5. What sounds remind you of your childhood?

The sounds that remind me of my childhood are the sounds of my parents singing, my siblings playing, and my mother cooking.

6. What are some places where there is a lot of noise?

Construction sites, busy streets, nightclubs, airports, and sports stadiums are examples of places with a lot of noise.

7. Do you think the level of noise will increase in the future?

Yes, I believe the level of noise will rise in the future as more people and technology enter our daily lives.

8. How frequently do you get to hear noises?

I hear a lot of noises during the day, from my alarm clock in the morning to my phone's alerts at different times.