IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

21. It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

Sample Answer 1

                                                 The value of instilling in young minds a sense of good and wrong is generally recognised. However, opinions differ as to whether or not punishment is required to teach them this distinction. This essay will discuss both perspectives and offer my opinion on the matter.

                                     Those who support the use of punishment argue that it serves as a deterrent and reinforces the concept of right and wrong. They believe that experiencing the consequences of their actions can teach children valuable lessons about life and impart a sense of responsibility and accountability. Punishment proponents argue that it assists children in developing a moral compass and making informed decisions.

                            Others contend, however, that a purely punitive approach may not be the most effective method to teach children right from wrong. They believe that a supportive and nurturing environment combined with positive reinforcement is more beneficial. This approach emphasises guiding children's behaviour through constructive discipline, open communication, and the establishment of explicit expectations. It emphasises imparting empathy and fostering critical thought.

                          A balanced approach is essential, in my opinion. Although punishment may play a role in teaching right from wrong, it should not be the sole method. Parents and educators should combine discipline with open dialogue, positive reinforcement, and explanations appropriate for the child's age. By providing guidance, discussing values, and fostering empathy, children can gain a deeper understanding of the repercussions of their actions and the significance of ethical behaviour.

                           It is crucial to prioritise discipline methods that are fair, proportionate, and centred on teaching rather than inflicting damage with regard to the type of punishment administered. Alternatives to physical or excessively punitive measures include time-outs, the loss of privileges, and reflection activities. It is essential to tailor the discipline method to the child's age, temperament, and the specific situation.

                         In conclusion: teaching children the difference between right and wrong is essential, but the use of punishment should be balanced with other strategies. A nurturing environment that incorporates discipline, open communication, and positive reinforcement may be more effective at assisting children in understanding ethical behaviour and making responsible decisions.

Important Vocabulary and Phrase

Instilling in young minds a sense of good and wrong - teaching children the difference between right and wrong.

Punishment serves as a deterrent - punishment discourages undesirable behavior.

Reinforces the concept of right and wrong - punishment reinforces the understanding of what is right and wrong.

Valuable lessons about life - punishment helps children learn important life lessons.

Sense of responsibility and accountability - punishment instills a sense of responsibility and accountability in children.

Constructive discipline - a supportive and nurturing approach to discipline.

Open communication - maintaining open and honest communication with children.

Imparting empathy - teaching children to understand and share the feelings of others.

Fostering critical thought - encouraging children to think critically and make informed decisions.

Balancing punishment with other strategies - using a combination of punishment, open dialogue, positive reinforcement, and age-appropriate explanations to teach right from wrong.

21. It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

Sample Answer 2 

BAND 6.5

                        Without a doubt, children indeed play an important role in society. Learning the difference between right and wrong at an early age is paramount to the growth of a nation. Having a sense of punishment among children is contentious, since there are compelling reasons both for and against it.

                       Indeed, knowing the difference between good and bad has numerous upsides. One of them is that they become mature, which means that when children have specific knowledge about their lives, they become more creative, which is unarguably beneficial to their overall development. Moreover, they become productive members of society because they do not indulge in bad habits, which are unquestionably crucial for their future. The second positive is that children become talented, as they have particular experience of life, which helps them develop cognitive skills because they surely tackle difficult circumstances in life, which gives people a sense of satisfaction. Studies have proven that children who prefer to face uphill tasks in their childhood become more intelligent than those who do not follow the same methodology.

                   Despite the advantages, giving punishments to children has numerous drawbacks. The first is that they become aggressive, which means that when children make mistakes, either minor or major, they get equal punishments, which makes children less productive. Moreover, giving excessive punishments is detrimental to their mental growth because they develop negative thoughts regarding society and family, which has become one of the major reasons for disputes. Furthermore, they do not concentrate on their work due to punishments, which adversely affects their future.

                     To conclude, it seems to me that having a sense of right and wrong is essential for the overall development of children, with the advantages of gaining life experience.

286 Words

21. It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviour to children?

Sample Answer 3

BAND 6.5

                                                 There is no denying the fact that children are the future of a nation, and their development decides the development of the nation. Many people argue that punishments play a crucial role in children's development. In my opinion, punishment should be given according to the mistakes made by youngsters.

                                         To begin with, it is indispensable for young ones to understand the right and wrong at an early age, as this is the time when their cognition skills develop. Youngsters are not mature enough to make decisions, so they need proper guidance. Teachers and parents are the ones who help them in this situation, but they use distinct methods to teach them. Some make young ones understand by soft punishments, while others by hard punishments. Punishments can be one of the solutions, but they may make children stubborn. According to a recent survey, 65% of children have aggressive behaviour because they are punished harshly for their minor mistakes.

                                       Parents and teachers should make youngsters understand the consequences of their mistakes. If they make the same mistake again, they must be punished so that they have a fear of punishment. Moreover, punishment can not be too harsh. For example, there was news in The Times of India that a student was beaten to bleed by a teacher because he had not completed his homework. This may affect students mentally. These kinds of punishments may change children's behaviour, which is not good for their overall development.

                                 In conclusion, it seems to me that soft punishments make children learn the difference between right and wrong, whereas harsh punishments make them rude and stubborn.

 269 Words