IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

43. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 1

  The question of whether children should be taught a sense of competition or cooperation is a subject of ongoing debate. While there are proponents of the notion that competition plays a crucial role in the development of children, there is an opposing viewpoint that emphasises the significance of cooperation in fostering more advantageous outcomes in adulthood. From my perspective, an equitable approach that fosters both competition and cooperation yields the greatest advantages.
  Advocates of competition posit that it fosters resilience, serves as a source of motivation for children to attain their utmost potential, and equips them with the necessary skills to confront the exigencies of the actual world. It is widely held that the presence of healthy competition serves as a catalyst for individuals to surpass their limitations and aspire towards achieving exceptional outcomes. Additionally, this activity imparts valuable insights regarding the management of failure, the acceptance of setbacks, and the cultivation of problem-solving aptitude. These skills are essential in a highly competitive society where individuals must distinguish themselves in order to achieve success.

Conversely, proponents of collaboration underscore the significance of collective effort and cooperation. The authors contend that engaging in cooperative activities facilitates the development of empathy, communication skills, and the capacity to collaborate effectively with peers. The acquisition of cooperative skills in childhood enhances children's ability to effectively navigate social interactions and make constructive contributions to the broader societal context. Moreover, the act of cooperation serves to cultivate a shared sense of belonging and encourages the integration of diverse individuals, thereby facilitating their collective prosperity.
  From my perspective, both competition and cooperation are integral factors that contribute significantly to a child's developmental process. The presence of a balanced level of competition can serve as a motivating factor for individuals to pursue excellence, whereas cooperation fosters the development of crucial social skills. By achieving a harmonious equilibrium between these two methodologies, children can acquire the ability to engage in constructive competition, acknowledging that achievement is not solely contingent upon outperforming others but also entails collaborating with others to foster mutual development.

Key phrases and important vocabulary:

ongoing debate: Continuous discussion or argument.

taught a sense of: Instilled with or educated about.

competition or cooperation: Rivalry or collaboration.

proponents: Supporters or advocates.

development of children: Growth and progress of children.

opposing viewpoint: Contrary perspective or stance.

equitable approach: Fair or balanced approach.

advantages: Benefits or positive outcomes.

resilience: Ability to recover or bounce back from challenges.

motivation: Drive or incentive.

attain their utmost potential: Achieve their highest capabilities.

necessary skills: Essential abilities or competencies.

exigencies: Demands or challenges.

actual world: Real-life or practical situations.

surpass their limitations: Go beyond their own boundaries or limitations.

exceptional outcomes: Extraordinary results or achievements.

management of failure: Dealing with or handling failure.

acceptance of setbacks: Acknowledging and overcoming obstacles.

problem-solving aptitude: Ability to solve problems or find solutions.

highly competitive society: A society with intense competition.

distinguish themselves: Stand out or differentiate themselves.

achieve success: Attain goals or accomplishments.

collaboration: Cooperation or working together.

underscore: Emphasize or highlight.

collective effort: Joint or group endeavor.

empathy: Understanding and sharing others' feelings.

communication skills: Abilities related to exchanging information or ideas.

capacity to collaborate: Ability to work together.

navigate social interactions: Manage or handle social relationships.

constructive contributions: Positive or valuable contributions.

broader societal context: Wider social framework or environment.

shared sense of belonging: Feeling of being part of a group or community.

integration of diverse individuals: Inclusion of different people or groups.

collective prosperity: Overall well-being or success as a group.

integral factors: Essential elements or components.

balanced level of competition: Fair or moderate amount of competition.

pursue excellence: Strive for high standards or achievements.

harmonious equilibrium: Balanced or optimal state.

acknowledging: Recognizing or accepting.

mutual development: Development that benefits all parties involved.

43. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 2


                There is no question that a large number of individuals want to live in a competitive atmosphere in order to get a respectable work position. Being competitive is unquestionably beneficial to a child's general development, and this is especially true for younger children. Because there are significant reasons both for and against creating a competitive atmosphere in schools and businesses, the topic of providing a competitive environment is contentious.

                    There are many advantages to operating in a competitive atmosphere, without a doubt. One significant advantage of competition is that it encourages individuals to exceed their peers since it enables them to evaluate their own performance in comparison to their rivals. Additionally, since they have the option to accomplish their job in a variety of ways, individuals become more skilled and multitaskers. According to widespread belief, children attending schools with a controlled competitive atmosphere outperform their peers attending schools that do not follow the same approach. Furthermore, competition is one of the most effective methods to develop people's abilities and self-confidence.

                    Despite the benefits of competition, there are many disadvantages as well. The first is that children grow self-centered, and competition may place an undue weight on them, which is harmful to both their physical and mental health. They may readily understand the importance of assisting others via the use of cooperative efforts. In order to achieve this, cooperation in schools and the workplace has become more popular than it has ever been. 

             To conclude, it seems to me that having a feeling of competitiveness enhances a person's capacity, which is very beneficial for the development of a country.

268 Words

43. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 3

BAND 6.5

              There is little room for doubt that a great many people prefer to live in a competitive environment in order to get a decent job. Having a sense of competition is indeed unarguably crucial for the overall development of a child. The issue of providing a competitive environment in schools and workplaces is controversial, as there are strong arguments for and against it.

                 Certainly, there are numerous upsides to a competitive environment. One important benefit is that competition motivates people to outperform others because it allows them to assess their performance in front of their competitors. Also, people become more talented and multitaskers because they have the ability to complete their work differently. It is commonly observed that students who attend schools with a regulated competitive environment outperform those who do not follow the same methodology. Moreover, competition is one of the best ways to enhance people's talent and confidence.

                Despite the advantages, there are numerous drawbacks to competition. The first is that children become selfish and sometimes competition puts an unnecessary burden on them, which is detrimental to the body as well as their minds. They may readily understand the importance of assisting others via the use of cooperative efforts. In order to achieve this, cooperation in schools and the workplace has become more popular than it has ever been.

                To conclude, it seems to me that having a sense of competition improves the ability of a person, which is utterly advantageous for the growth of a nation.

250 Words

43. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate rather than compete become more useful adults.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 4

BAND 6.5

                         There is little room for doubt that the last 15 years have seen more sense of competition among children in education and sports than the previous 30. Some people opine that the feeling of competition should be encouraged in children. Others think that children should be taught to co-operate instead of competing because it will help them to become good human beings. Both these arguments will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs, in my opinion.

                      There is no denying the fact that race plays an important role in the fields of education, work and sports. To put it another way, parents encourage their children to perform better than others. Most Indian guardians, for example, reward and gift their wards when they place first in examinations and sports events. Undoubtedly, this method motivates the pupils to work hard. Thus, they develop skills and they work on their flaws. According to a survey conducted by the Times of India, 70% of parents teach their children how to win the race of life by providing examples of successful people.

                     On the other hand, the sense of competition has numerous negative effects on the mental development of children. One of the most important negatives is that they develop a sense of superiority among others, meaning that they prefer to do work on their own instead of doing teamwork. These types of children have a low probability of succeeding in their lives because of their sense of superiority. Therefore, guardians should encourage their wards to learn moral values as well as leadership qualities rather than developing the feeling of a boss.

                    To conclude, it seems to me that children should be taught to co-operate instead of competing because it will develop a sense of teamwork and leadership qualities in them.

295 Words