IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

23. Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample Answer 1 

     The growing accessibility of the same products everywhere has sparked debates on whether this is a good or bad thing for the homogenization of the world. This essay will investigate both viewpoints and offer my opinion on the subject.
      Those who view this as a positive phenomenon argue that it promotes cultural exchange and understanding. The accessibility of global products enables individuals from various regions to experience and appreciate diverse cultures. It eliminates barriers and promotes a sense of interconnectedness and shared experiences. Having access to the same products can also increase convenience and foster a sense of comfort when travelling or residing abroad.

        On the other hand, critics argue that product homogenization can lead to the erosion of local cultures and traditions. They believe that when identical products are available everywhere, cultural identities are diminished, leading to a loss of diversity and authenticity. In addition, it can have a negative effect on local businesses and artisans, who struggle to contend with global brands.
    In my opinion, the effects of global homogenization are multifaceted and dependent on numerous variables. While it can contribute to cultural exchange and convenience, it is essential to preserve local traditions and promote sustainable development. Supporting local businesses, artisans, and traditional craftsmanship can help preserve cultural diversity without sacrificing global connectivity or product accessibility.
    Moreover, it is essential to promote sustainable consumption and practises. It is possible to mitigate the negative effects of global homogenization by promoting consumer decisions that consider the social and environmental impacts of products.
    In conclusion, the increasing global availability of identical goods can have both positive and negative effects. Despite the fact that it can facilitate cultural exchange and convenience, efforts should be made to preserve local cultures, support local businesses, and promote sustainable consumption practises.

Important Vocabulary and Phrase

Accessibility of global products - the availability of the same products everywhere.

Cultural exchange and understanding - global products allow individuals to experience and appreciate diverse cultures.

Sense of interconnectedness and shared experiences - global products promote a feeling of connection among people from different regions.

 Erosion of local cultures and traditions - the loss or diminishment of local cultural identities due to the availability of identical products.

Authenticity and diversity - the preservation of unique cultural expressions and identities.

Supporting local businesses and artisans - promoting and sustaining local economic activities and craftsmanship.

Sustainable consumption - making consumer decisions that consider social and environmental impacts.

Cultural diversity without sacrificing global connectivity - finding a balance between preserving local cultures and promoting global interconnectedness.

23. Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample Answer 2 


                                          Without a doubt, the last 15 years have witnessed more development in almost every field, such as technology, food, fashion, tourism, and transportation, than in the preceding 30 years. In the modern era, most nations have become almost identical to each other, as the masses are able to purchase the same goods anywhere in the world. The essay will discuss the solid argument in the upcoming paragraphs, along with my opinion.

                                          Indeed, having a variety of products all around the world has numerous upsides. One of  the most significant positives is that people are able to buy products on e-commerce websites, such as Flipkart Amazon, and Walmart, which provide the goods that they need. In addition, most local and foreign brands offer their products on sites so that they can sell them worldwide. According to a survey conducted by the Times of India, 70% of consumers prefer to purchase products online, as it provides discount coupons and cashback, so they can buy items at a knock-down price and they are available 24x7 hours a week. Thus, buying online is a positive development for both buyers and sellers.

                                    Furthermore, online business has become a centralised hub because of modern technology. To put it another way, individuals can sell or buy almost everything over the internet. Research shows that the market value of small-scale industries has been rising with the centralization of businesses. Moreover, industrialists are able to deal with foreign clients easily via the internet. Added to this, local investors are now able to invest in foreign organisations by analysing their return policies and future predictions. From the above-mentioned factors, centralization has become the most significant aspect, which connects all countries together through any means, and it seems that they are all identical to each other.

                                       To conclude, it seems to me that the internet is the only way to connect people from different nations by sharing resources with each other.

320 Words

23. Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are able to buy the same products anywhere in the world.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Sample Answer 3 


                                         Investing in high-quality products is vital to any enterprise's success. Almost every industry has witnessed a surge in advancement, including technology, gastronomy, fashion, tourism, and transportation. Most nations have become practically equivalent in the contemporary era, as goods are widely available around the world.

                          Additionally, the availability of a diverse selection of items from throughout the world offers various advantages. The primary benefit is that consumers may purchase things on e-commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon, and Snapdeal that sell the commodities they demand. Additionally, the bulk of domestic and international businesses sell their products via websites that enable them to be marketed globally. People like to buy online since it provides them with discounts and rebates on their purchases, making the expense well worth it. As a result of the items' 24-hour availability, consumers have access to low-cost goods anytime they desire. This benefits not just customers, but also vendors.

                                  Online shopping has also gained popularity in recent years as a consequence of technical advancements. Additionally, you could argue that anybody can sell or purchase virtually any object through a network such as the internet. The market value of small-scale enterprises has increased dramatically as a result of these internet businesses. Second, conducting business with international clients over the internet is straightforward. Additionally, local investors may now investigate foreign nations' return policies before investing. As previously said, entrepreneurship is the primary attribute that unites nations on a global scale and appears to be universal in nature.

                            To summarise, it looks as though the internet is the only way of exchanging resources and connecting individuals from other places.

267 Words