IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.                                                                  

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer 1

Band 8

     The idea of homeownership is highly valued in many nations because of the status it represents as a mark of financial security and individual success. This essay investigates why, for some cultures, homeownership is a moral imperative and then supports the idea that this is, on balance, a good thing. The goal of owning a house is well-founded when one considers the social, economic, and psychological benefits that come with it.

           Homeownership is highly regarded in several countries because of the favourable effect it has on social stability. People who own their own houses are more likely to put down permanent roots in their neighbourhoods. Homeowners are more likely to form lasting friendships with their neighbours, which strengthens community bonds. Crime rates, mental health, and overall well-being all improve when people feel safe in their communities. 

                The economic benefits that come with homeownership are another strong reason for the focus put on it. A home's value tends to rise with time, making it a good investment option for many people. Homeowners can save their equity for things like a child's college fund, a company startup, or retirement. In addition, those who own their own homes are more likely to practise fiscal restraint and make wise budgetary decisions since they will want to ensure they can afford their mortgage payments and secure their financial future. 

       The financial advantages of homeownership are not the only ones. Homeownership is seen as a concrete indication of personal achievement, and as such, it is often connected with feelings of pride and accomplishment. One's happiness and contentment might increase when they have the freedom to make their home unique and special. The stability and safety provided by owning one's own home are essential to building a strong foundation and creating a safe haven in which to raise children. 

            The enormous social, economic, and psychological benefits of house ownership explain, in part, why homeownership is so highly valued in some nations. Being a homeowner is a desired life goal because of the security, feeling of community, financial benefits, and improved mental health it brings. Although there are some possible negatives, such as start-up costs and hazards, the effects are generally good. Because of the positive effects that homeownership has on individuals and communities, it is reasonable that these cultures place such a premium on it.

Key Phrases and Vocabulary:


1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.                                                           

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

                       Sample Answer 2 

BAND 7.5

In numerous nations, the desire to own a home is profoundly ingrained in the values and aspirations of the populace. This essay intends to investigate why homeownership is so important to individuals. In addition, it will argue that this tendency towards property ownership is a positive phenomenon.

Homeownership provides stability and security for individuals. In contrast to renting, homeownership provides a permanent living arrangement, eradicating the uncertainty associated with frequent relocations. It enables people to establish roots in a community, promoting a sense of belonging and strengthening social ties.

Homeownership is frequently regarded as a significant investment opportunity and a means of accumulating wealth. The appreciation of property values over time enables homeowners to amass wealth and achieve financial stability. A residence can be a valuable asset that can be passed down to future generations, securing a family's legacy.

Individuals who own their own residence have greater control over their living environment and greater freedom. Homeowners have the option of customising and personalising their living space to their liking. They can make enhancements, modifications, and renovations to create a space that truly reflects their personality and way of life.

Homeownership is frequently viewed as a symbol of success and accomplishment. It represents the culmination of diligent effort, commitment, and fiscal responsibility. The ability to purchase a property demonstrates a person's financial management and long-term planning skills, boosting their self-esteem and overall life satisfaction.

Although purchasing a home entails substantial up-front expenses, it can be financially advantageous in the long haul. Over time, monthly mortgage payments create equity and reduce overall debt. This is in contrast to renting, where there is no return on investment from the payments. Homeownership has the potential to eradicate housing costs in retirement, resulting in a more secure financial future.

Owing to the stability, investment potential, control, accomplishment, and long-term cost advantages it provides, home ownership is extremely important for individuals. This tendency towards homeownership should be viewed as a positive trend that promotes financial security, personal fulfilment, and community stability, as opposed to a negative occurrence. Individuals who are encouraged and supported in their pursuit of homeownership can contribute to the well-being and prosperity of society as a whole.

Useful Phrases and Vocabulary:

1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer 3  

  Band 7+ 

              There is no doubting the fact that owning a property is a normal human ambition. Thus, the fact that individuals have shifted priorities towards buying a home rather than renting is true for numerous countries throughout the world. While it has both positive and negative implications, I believe this movement presents both opportunities and challenges.

        To begin with, living in a self-owned house is a beneficial thing for several reasons. First, having a place to call one's own gives a feeling of stability and security without the worry of losing it. The second thing to consider is that if the home is already owned, one has the unrestricted freedom to remodel it in the way one sees fit. Individuals who own a house are not bound by a landlord and are not required to pay monthly rent. As a result, people may adapt their homes to their requirements and desires. Besides, some individuals see their property as an investment that they anticipate will rise in value in the future.

         Despite the numerous advantages of homeownership, a critical disadvantage is that high demand for property results in house price inflation, making it difficult for people on low salaries to own their own home, forcing them to rent one. To make this happen, such people have to incur substantial debts. Sometimes, they are unable to repay their loans, which eventually results in losing their lifelong investments.

          In conclusion, I feel that one's distinctive circumstances dictate whether or not one should rent or purchase a property.

254 Words

1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer 4

Band 7+ 

                   Having more assets than liabilities is certainly beneficial in today's competitive climate. The argument over whether owning a house is an asset or a liability is heating up. Some feel that renting a house would save them money, while others believe that owning a home has more benefits. To my mind, if a person is astute, converting a house from a liability to an asset may offer financial benefits.

                  Purchasing a home rather than renting one has more benefits than drawbacks. Among the benefits is the long-term security that comes with owning a place to call home. If you own a house, you are not responsible for the monthly expenses associated with maintaining a roof over your head. Another advantage of owning a home is the flexibility to design and decorate it as you want. For instance, if you rent a property, you are restricted from making major changes to the layout, while if you own the home, you are free to make whatever changes you want at any time.

                    Many people opt to rent in order to save money. They think that rather than investing a large amount of money in a house, they can save the difference by paying less rent. There is no sense of security in this arrangement since the landlord has the right to reject tenants at any time.

                  To conclude, I think it is better to invest once in a lifetime in building one's own house in order to experience the sense of security that comes with it rather than live in continuous dread of losing one's property.

264 Words

1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer 5

Band 7 

                          There is no question that having more assets than liabilities is critical in today's competitive environment. Now, the debate rages over whether having a home is considered an asset or a burden. Some think that renting a house saves money, while others believe that owning a home offers many advantages. To my mind, if a person is prudent, he or she may gain financially by changing the home from a burden to an asset.

                            Purchasing a house vs. renting one offers more advantages than disadvantages. One of the advantages is the lifelong security that comes with having a roof over one's head. If you own a home, you are not responsible for the monthly costs associated with providing a roof over your head. Another benefit of having your own house is the freedom to design and decorate it according to your preferences. For instance, if you rent a home, you cannot make significant modifications to the layout, but if you own the house, you may make whatever alterations you desire.

                   People choose to live on a rental basis in order to save money. They believe that rather than spending a large sum of money on a home, they may pay less rent and save the remainder. There is no feeling of security in this situation since the owner has the right to refuse renters at any moment.

                   To conclude, I believe it is preferable to spend once in a lifetime constructing your own home in order to enjoy the feeling of security that comes with it rather than live in fear of losing your property at any moment.

269 Words 

1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer 6

Band 6.5 

                             There is little room for doubt that in people’s lives, the need for a home to live a comfortable and stable life is paramount. I believe possessing a property is a positive development instead of hiring one.

                            Certainly, there are numerous upsides to homeownership. One important benefit is that people have a feeling of stability and security, meaning that they do not have to pay monthly rent. Unlike a rental property, an individual has the freedom to modify their house according to their choices and needs, which means they are not restricted to living in an undesirable home. They can design their home with their priorities. Besides modification, the self-owned home also gives status in society. For example, if a person possesses a home, they are labelled as rich. In addition to this, the owned property is considered a lifelong asset that would help an owner in difficulty. Thus, people can mortgage their houses.

                             Despite numerous advantages, a self-owned home has some disadvantages, as it is expensive and not easy for people to purchase it, especially for those who have low wages. Moreover, people may take loans. However, sometimes, they are unable to repay them, which means they might be stuck in a huge debt throughout their life. Also, people who live in rented accommodation may not always be secure, since if the owner demands the house to be vacated, they have to leave it without any other option.

                     To conclude, it seems to me that owning a home is essential, with the advantages of stability, security and modification.   

259 Words 

1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer 7

Band 6.5 

                                       There is no doubting the fact that owning a home is a normal human ambition. As a result, young people have shifted their priorities to owning a home rather than renting it in numerous countries all over the world. While it has both positive and negative implications, I believe it will present opportunities as well as challenges.

                               To begin with, owning a home has many benefits. First, having one's own house brings a feeling of stability and security without fear of losing it. Second, a person who owns a house can remodel it according to his/her needs. Moreover, owning a house means an individual is not bound by the landlord and is not under the pressure of paying monthly rent. Besides, some individuals buy a home and anticipate it as an investment for the future.

                                     Despite its numerous benefits, it has some drawbacks, too. First, owning a house is a dream of every individual, and it motivates them to invest in property, which, in turn, inflates the prices of houses, making it difficult for everyone to purchase a house. Moreover, the desire to own property forces a person to take loans from banks. Due to heavy expenses, in this time of inflation, sometimes a person is not able to get loans; hence, he comes under the pressure of debts and sometimes bad situations force him to commit suicide. This not only may end his life but also his family's.

                                        In conclusion, I feel that it depends on the distinctive situations of an individual whether one should own a property or rent a house.

263 Words 

1. In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Sample Answer 8

Band 6.5 

                                  There is no doubting the fact that in individuals' lives, the need to own a house is paramount. Thus, it gives a sense of belongingness, whereas its maintenance is very expensive. While there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, I believe owning a home is better.

                                 Indeed, owning one's own home has several upsides. The first one is that having a home gives a feeling of belongingness and stability, resulting in the landlord being free from any kind of restrictions that they faced during their rented home. Added to this, the landowner can easily change the architectural structure of their house according to their own comfort and flexibility, but not in a rented one. For example, if we buy a newly constructed house, we will definitely see the facilities of the house, such as ventilation, parking space, a garden, broad roads, and many more. Moreover, buying a house provides a sense of life stability and security. People can live here without fear of instability.

                             Despite having many pros, there are numerous downsides, too. Firstly, owning a house is a very expensive process, causing long term savings, and sometimes people go into debt due to bank loan long instalments. Secondly, buying a home is not possible for almost every individual, especially for the slums and the poor, so they have to live in a rented property.

                      In conclusion, having strong and effective views on both sides of the case, it seems to me that owning a house or renting one depends upon the financial background and income of the individual.

263 Words 
