IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer 

(Students' Section)


75. In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers.

Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Sample Answer 1 


                               Without a doubt, the last 15 years have witnessed more development in transportation than in the preceding 30 years. In the future, self-driving vehicles, such as cars, buses, and trucks are likely to outnumber manual ones. Added to this, only passengers will travel inside the vehicles. I firmly agree that the merits of driverless vehicles outweigh the demerits. This essay will discuss the upsides and downsides of self-driving cars, buses, and trucks in the upcoming paragraphs.

                                 Indeed, having auto-driving cars has numerous upsides. One of the most significant is that they operate on "Artificial Intelligence" (AI), meaning that they are capable of choosing the best route to reach their destination. To put it another way, driverless cars analyse the route by predicting the frequency of other vehicles on the road before commencing trips. Moreover, by doing this, they save a considerable amount of travelling time. According to a survey conducted by the Times of India, Tesla, an automobile company, has launched a new-electric car called "TE" with an auto-pilot mode, which provides a comfortable and time-saving drive for passengers.

                                  Despite the advantages, there are many disadvantages to driving automated cars, too. The first negative is that they are unsafe to drive, as these vehicles do not provide 100% security while driving. Research shows that 20% of car accidents occur due to misjudgement of traffic lights by driverless vehicles. Furthermore, drivers might lose their jobs if self-driving vehicles run on roads. As a consequence, the rate of employment might decline.

                                 To conclude, we can see that driverless cars, buses, and trucks have more positives than negatives.

265 Words