IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer 

(Students' Section)


78.  Many governments are now trying to prevent global warming and the effect it has on our environment. They are trying to reduce the things which contribute to global warming such as pollution from cars and destruction of the rain forests.

Describe what you think the problem is and the actions you think your government should take to solve it.

Sample Answer 1 

BAND 6.5

                                    There is little room for doubt that global warming is one of the biggest concerns of modern times, while governments take many steps to prevent it. As a consequence, a rise in environmental pollution, but it can be dealt with by planting more trees and promoting the concept of car-sharing among them.

                                       The major problem which emerges from raising the number of vehicles on the road. Most people do not prefer public transport because they have their own vehicles and they do not want to travel on dirty and old transport. Added to this is the increasing pollution day by day, which is having a bad effect on our environment. There are also concerns about factories and many industries due to increasing pollution and fossil fuels. The most alarming environmental impact is that there is a considerable rise in the earth's surface temperature. This ultimately affects not only human but also animal life on the planet.

                                    Turning to possible solutions, perhaps the immediate step would be to promote planting more and more trees and stop deforestation. Moreover, many governments encourage their people to use public transport and stop global warming. Potential remedies for the danger of global warming may be an initiative to raise awareness of the risks of the situation. For example, if a famous celebrity speaks out about global warming, the message may get through to the nation.

                                   To sum up, the risks posed by excessive vehicles on the road are life-threatening. In terms of ecological imbalance, possible answers might involve factories being relocated to the countryside and planting more trees.

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