IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

20. Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 1 

                                           The prioritisation of economic progress as the most important objective of governments is a frequently debated topic. Nonetheless, some contend that other forms of progress are equally crucial for a nation. This essay will examine both viewpoints and present my own perspective.

                                          Governments that prioritise economic development believe that it is the cornerstone of global progress. Economic expansion generates wealth, expands employment opportunities, and raises citizens' standard of living. It provides funds for infrastructure, healthcare, education, and social welfare programme investments. Additionally, a robust economy enables a nation to compete globally and exert influence on the international stage.

                     On the other hand, proponents of considering other types of progress argue that an     exclusive focus on economic development may overlook important aspects of societal well-being. They   emphasise social progress, which includes access to quality education, healthcare, and social justice. In   addition, they emphasise environmental sustainability, cultural preservation, and human rights promotion as essential components of a holistic and balanced development.

                            A comprehensive approach that considers multiple dimensions of progress is crucial, in my opinion. Despite the importance of economic development, it should not be pursued at the expense of social and environmental welfare. A model of inclusive and sustainable development takes into consideration not only economic factors, but also social, cultural, and environmental aspects of a nation.

                      Governments should endeavour to strike a balance between economic development and citizen welfare. This can be accomplished by adopting policies that encourage equitable wealth distribution, safeguard the environment, invest in education and healthcare, and foster a diverse and inclusive society.

                        Economic development is essential to a nation's prosperity, but it should not be the primary focus. Sustainable and inclusive development requires a comprehensive approach encompassing social, environmental, and cultural progress. Governments can create a prosperous and balanced future for their citizens by contemplating multiple dimensions of progress.

Important Vocabulary and Phrases

Ethical considerations: Factors related to morality, values, and responsible decision-making.

Algorithmic bias: Unfair or discriminatory outcomes resulting from biased algorithms.

Privacy and data protection: Safeguarding individuals' personal information and ensuring data security.

Human oversight: Maintaining human control and decision-making in AI systems.

Responsible AI development: Promoting the responsible and ethical creation, deployment, and use of artificial intelligence.

20. Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 2

BAND 5.5

                                 There is little room for doubt that the need for economic progress for any developed or developing country is paramount. However, in my opinion, other sorts of growth, such as infrastructure development, educational institutes, hospitals, etc., are also the most important aspects of a country's growth.

                               Certainly, some people believe that economic progress is more important than other forms of progress, and they are right, but other aspects of progress in a country are also not ignorable, like education, medical facilities, and social infrastructure. If a country has a weak social infrastructure, like poor road conditions, unhealthy water sources, etc, it might spread diseases and the country may remain undeveloped. Another thing, uneducated nations can not expect wise decision-making leaders and people. It may lead a country to doom. With the lack of medical treatments and hospitals, people may not improve their health and it might spread disease, because with poor medical facilities, people might not face a crisis and not survive. This negative point may remain a country undeveloped.

                        Economic progress is also important because financial growth can provide a basic structure for a country's industry, farming and education, so economic growth has its own importance.

                  In conclusion, other kinds of growth, like social infrastructure, medical treatment, education and electronics etc, are also a basis of any country's development. However, economic growth can provide financial strength for all kinds of above needs.

 233 Words

20. Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 3

BAND 6.5

                                           There is little room for doubt that the need for making the country progressive in the digital world is paramount. The issue of economic or other kinds of progress is controversial, as there are strong arguments for and against it.

                                       Certainly, there are numerous advantages for wealthy nations. The first is, if a country is rich in every field, it is considered to be the supreme power. For example, the USA is the only nation that holds the first position in terms of richness. Another benefit is that the governments of all rich countries help their people to fulfil their needs so that they can stay up-to-date with everything. For instance, the UK government provides a majority of job opportunities for its natives in order to increase the nation's economic growth. Thus, money plays a very crucial role in the country's fame and fortune.

                                     On the other hand, many people believe that good education is required in the educational field to make almost every child literate, as this is one of the reasons why countries' infrastructure is not developing. Pakistan, a poor nation, where girls are not given formal education due to the nation's culture. So, the country lacks progress. Furthermore, cleanliness is thought to be the second factor, which is also important in raising the country's level. However, most governments neglect this issue and suffer from a great deal of pollution, which leads to contagious diseases growing. That is why, if pollution of resources continues, the day may come when children may be born with disabilities.

                                  To conclude, it seems to me that other sorts of progress must be made in every nation with economic growth.

 277 Words

20. Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Sample Answer 4

BAND 5.5 (247 Words)

                                           There is little room for doubt that development is the basic need for a country. The issue of whether economic development is important or other types, such as education or health, are important, is controversial, as there are arguments for both and against it. 

                                                  On the one hand, many governments argue that economic development is the most important aim. Undoubtedly, it makes a country self-dependent, which means the country has supreme power. For example, the USA is the richest country in the world and rules over the world. Moreover, governments can spend the money on improving infrastructure and providing basic amenities. As a result, it also improves the standard of living. In addition to this, if a country is economically strong, it can help other developing countries. The country can provide help in unforeseen situations. 

                                             On the other hand, most people opine that economic progress is only a materialistic development. A country can be considered developed if it includes other aspects, such as health, education, justice, and freedom. Governments should improve the country's health and education systems. As long as people are well-educated and healthy, they can help a country to grow positively. Furthermore, if individuals have proper rights and freedom, they bring happiness to them. Thus, the country will become a better place to live in. 

                                   In conclusion, it seems to me that governments should focus on holistic development, since mere economic development may not bring happiness, and other developments may not make a country wealthy.

 247 Words