IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer 

(Students' Section)


83. Nowadays, more people would rather purchase food than cook at home. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?  

Sample Answer 1 

BAND 5.5 (241 words)

                                     There is no doubting the fact that the need for purchasing ready-made meals instead of cooking at home. There are many merits and demerits to buying cooked food from the market.

                                  Indeed, there are numerous advantages. Firstly, the foremost reason for buying meals rather than cooking them is convenience. People prefer ready-to-eat food because it saves time and money compared to cooking food at home. For instance, these days, many people have android phones and they use food applications and get discounts on food orders. Moreover, many people get so tired of their hectic routine, work load and lack of energy that they do not cook for themselves and have to eat ready-made food.

                                        On the other hand, having many advantages, there are many disadvantages, too. The major one is that nutrients. There are numerous restaurants stock, including vegetables, fruits, which means that old vegetables lose vitamins and other nutritional value. Added to this is excessive eating outside food has negative effect the body as well as mind, meaning that people suffer from many heath disease, such as obesity, high blood pressure and many more. Research conducted by the Times of India in many developed countries, junk food is a prominent cause of obesity and heart issues.

                                     In conclusion, having strong and effective view on both sides of the cases, it seems to me that eating outside food is depends on the situation, but it has numerous merits and demerits also.

241 Words