IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

39. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

       Sample Answer 1

     The interaction between visitors and host nations raises concerns regarding cultural adaptation and acceptance. While some argue that visitors should conform to local customs and behaviour, others argue that the host nation should embrace cultural diversity. Both perspectives have merit, but I believe that a middle ground should be found that promotes regard for local customs while fostering inclusion and cultural exchange.
            Proponents of the view that tourists should adhere to local customs contend that it is essential to respect the traditions, norms, and values of the host country. They believe that visitors are responsible for adapting their behaviour, dressing appropriately, and adhering to social decorum in order to avoid offending or upsetting the local populace. By adhering to and respecting local customs, visitors demonstrate cultural awareness and promote harmonious interactions with the local community.

             Opponents of this view, on the other hand, advocate for the host nation to embrace cultural differences. They contend that cultural diversity enriches societies and fosters tolerance and understanding. Acceptance of diverse customs, languages, and traditions can improve social cohesion and foster an environment that celebrates diverse cultural heritage. They believe that the host nation should be receptive and accommodating, valuing the unique perspectives and customs that visitors bring with them.
              I believe it is essential to strike a balance between these two perspectives. As a sign of cultural sensitivity and appreciation, visitors should demonstrate reverence for local customs and norms. Understanding and adhering to fundamental etiquette can assist in bridging cultural gaps and promoting positive interactions. However, it is equally essential for the host nation to be tolerant of cultural differences. Accepting diversity and facilitating cultural exchange can result in mutual learning, the destruction of stereotypes, and the promotion of global understanding.
              In conclusion, visitors must respect local customs, but the host nation must also appreciate cultural differences to foster an inclusive and welcoming environment. A balance between cultural sensitivity and openness to diversity can result in significant cultural exchanges and foster mutual understanding. By embracing cultural differences, both visitors and the host country can benefit from enlightening experiences and contribute to the development of a more harmonious global community.

Important phrases and vocabulary:

·         Cultural adaptation: adjusting one's behavior and practices to fit into a different culture

·         Acceptance: the act of embracing or recognizing something as valid or legitimate

·         Norms: accepted standards or behaviors within a society or group

·         Etiquettes: customary codes of polite behavior in social interactions

·         Offense: causing displeasure or anger

·         Discomfort: a feeling of unease or awkwardness

·         Cultural sensitivity: awareness and consideration of cultural differences and practices

·         Harmonious interactions: positive and peaceful exchanges

·         Cultural diversity: the presence of a variety of cultural backgrounds and practices

·         Tolerance: accepting and respecting differences in opinions, beliefs, and practices

·     Inclusive environment: a setting that welcomes and values all individuals regardless of their backgrounds

·         Cultural enrichment: the enhancement and broadening of cultural experiences

·         Social cohesion: the unity and integration of individuals within a society

·         Stereotypes: fixed and oversimplified generalizations about a particular group

·         Global understanding: awareness and knowledge of different cultures and perspectives

·         Platforms for cultural exchange: spaces or events that facilitate the sharing and learning of different cultures

·         Cross-cultural training programs: educational initiatives that promote understanding and

appreciation of different cultures

·         Mutual respect: reciprocal regard and consideration for each other's values and beliefs

·         Unity: a sense of togetherness and collaboration

·    Appreciation for diversity: recognizing and valuing the differences in cultures, traditions, and perspectives

·    Enriching experiences: valuable and meaningful encounters that broaden one's knowledge and understanding

·       Global community: a collective entity that transcends national boundaries and promotes cooperation and understanding

39. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

       Sample Answer 2

BAND 6.5

                  No doubt, the tourism industry has expanded at a quicker rate in the last 15 years than it did in the previous 30 years. A few people believe that visitors should follow local customs and conduct themselves appropriately. Others believe that the host country should embrace the culture of the guests in order to properly welcome them. My essay tends to dwell upon both of the above-stated perspectives.

                   The practice of adopting the local customs of other countries has a number of distinct benefits, which are discussed here. When travelling to another country, one of the most significant challenges is the communication gap, which means that if a person has some understanding of the local traditions and language, it is much easier to socialise with other people. One of the most significant benefits of travelling is the opportunity to meet new people. It is also possible to see tourist attractions across the country by conversing with people in their native language. The Times of India said that a study found that 70% of people feel more at ease while travelling to another country because they have a basic knowledge of the language and culture of the country they are travelling to.

                     On the other hand, when travellers share their culture and behaviour with indigenous people, they provide an opportunity for indigenous people to better understand the visitors' culture and character, which means that these facts may help them identify negative aspects of their culture and provide them with an opportunity to correct those aspects.

                       To conclude, I believe that tourists should get a basic knowledge of the culture and language of the country they are visiting in order to communicate more effectively with the people who live in that country.

290 Words 

39. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

       Sample Answer 3


              The tourist sector has seen rapid growth during the past 15 years. Many individuals think that international visitors should abide by the traditions and conduct of the people of the country they are visiting. Some experts say that removing cultural barriers is necessary. This debate will be explored further in the paragraphs to follow.

               Though it cannot be denied that international visitors contribute much to the growth of a country, the vast majority of tourists do not follow local customs, which causes native citizens to oppose the tourism sector. To put it another way, visitors' fake social behaviour has a detrimental effect on the local populace. For example, tourists from western countries show contempt for Asians due to their poverty, caste system, and customs. Additionally, the bulk of tourists are drug users who drink alcoholic beverages, which affects the residents. These terrible acts must be stopped.

                 Tourism, without a doubt, has a slew of advantages. One of the most significant benefits is that it stimulates the national economy, since tourists from wealthy areas spend money on holidays. This raises the currency rate and also contributes to the country's growth. Additionally, the sector provides employment possibilities for indigenous people. For the reasons stated before, the government should invest in infrastructure and enforce stringent regulations to ensure that visitors do not engage in unlawful activities that jeopardise the country's sovereignty.

              To conclude, I believe that since tourism is important to a country's growth, the government should establish rules and regulations to prohibit unethical activities in the sector.                 

 255 Words 

39. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

       Sample Answer 4

BAND 6.5

                  There is little doubt that the tourism industry has grown dramatically over the last 15 years. Many people believe that foreign tourists should respect and adhere to native customs and behaviour. Others believe that the host region should remove cultural barriers. Both these arguments will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.

                There is no denying the fact that visitors from other countries play a vital role in the development of the country, but most of them do not practice local rituals due to which native civilians come against the tourism industry. To put it another way, false social behaviour by tourists creates a negative impact on the people of the nation. For example, visitors who come from western nations, disrespect Asians in terms of poverty, castes and traditions which they follow. Furthermore, the majority of visitors are drug addicts who consume alcoholic beverages, influencing locals as well. These heinous practices must be put an end to.

        Certainly, there are numerous upsides to tourism. One of the most important positives is that it boosts the economy of the nation, meaning that visitors from rich regions spend money on vacations. This increases the currency rate and helps in the development of the country, too. In addition, the industry also creates job opportunities for native people. For the above-mentioned reasons, the government should develop infrastructure and implement strict rules so that visitors will not perform any illegal activities which harm the sovereignty of the country.

              To conclude, it appears to me that the tourism industry is critical to a country's development, so the government should enact laws and orders to prevent unethical practices in the country.

274 Words 

39. Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

       Sample Answer 5

BAND 6.5

                         There is little doubt that the last 15 years have witnessed a greater rise in the tourism industry than the preceding 30 years. Some people opine that tourists who are visiting another country should learn about the local customs as well as the values of that country. Others believe that the host country should welcome tourists by accepting their culture and language. My essay tends to dwell upon both views.

                   Indeed, there are numerous upsides to having knowledge related to different customs and behaviour. One of the most important ones is that visitors get to know about the culture of a country they are travelling to. To put it another way, when tourists visit another country, they get a chance to enhance their knowledge related to history as well as famous cuisines. This is only possible if visitors have a great amount of knowledge related to their language and culture. According to a survey conducted by the Times of India, 70% of people in the USA love to travel to different historical places in the world. In addition, most people first enhance their knowledge of local people and transport facilities.

                 On the other hand, locals of the country should welcome tourists from another country by accepting their culture and values. Consequently, by this step, local people might get a chance to improve their culture; moreover, they may also get an opportunity to improve their communication skills.

                 To conclude, I believe that the host should welcome tourists by accepting their culture and values. Furthermore, by this step, they might get an opportunity to improve the economy of a country.

271 Words