IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

29. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer 1

The question of whether parents or institutions should be responsible for teaching children to be productive members of society is the subject of debate. This essay will investigate both perspectives and provide my opinion on the issue.

Advocates of parental responsibility argue that parents play a crucial role in moulding their children's behaviour and character. They believe that parents are their children's primary carers and role models, and are therefore best suited to inculcate values, ethics, and social norms. Teaching good behaviour within the family environment fosters strong emotional connections, promotes healthy relationships, and allows for personalised guidance and discipline.

On the other hand, proponents of school-based education contend that schools play a crucial role in preparing children to be contributing members of society. According to them, schools provide a structured and inclusive environment in which children can learn and practise social skills, empathy, and respect for others. Schools provide a diverse social environment, allowing students to interact with peers from diverse backgrounds and cultures, thereby fostering tolerance and understanding.

Parents and schools, in my opinion, play distinct but complementary responsibilities in teaching children appropriate behaviour. Love, guidance, and discipline are provided by parents as the basis for moral development. They have the chance to model positive behaviour, instill empathy, and establish family values. In contrast, schools can reinforce and build upon these values by providing a broader social context and formal education on ethics, citizenship, and social responsibility.

A holistic approach to character development requires collaboration between parents and institutions. Open communication, parental participation in school activities, and the incorporation of character education into the curriculum can create a cohesive and effective structure for teaching good behaviour.

In conclusion, both parents and institutions play vital roles in preparing children to become contributing members of society. By recognising and supporting the shared responsibilities of parents and institutions, we can provide children with the necessary guidance, knowledge, and values for healthy social development.

Important Vocabulary and Phrase

Fast fashion and its environmental impact - the detrimental effects of the fast fashion industry on the environment, including waste, pollution, and resource depletion.

Ethical considerations in fashion - promoting fair labor practices, worker rights, and responsible sourcing of materials.

Circular fashion and recycling - embracing circular economy principles, such as recycling and reusing materials, to minimize waste.

Slow fashion and conscious consumerism - advocating for mindful consumption and investing in high-quality, long-lasting garments.

 Sustainable materials and production methods - exploring eco-friendly alternatives to traditional textiles and adopting sustainable manufacturing practices.

Fashion industry transparency - encouraging brands to be transparent about their supply chains and production processes.

Education and awareness - raising awareness among consumers about the environmental and social impacts of fashion and promoting sustainable choices.

Collaboration and innovation - fostering partnerships and supporting innovative solutions that promote sustainability in the fashion industry.

29. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer 2

Band 7

              There is little doubt that moral education is critical in every person's life. It is true that during the past 50 years, more changes in student behaviour have occurred than in the preceding 200 years. The debate over whether to teach moral principles and obligations at home rather than at school is contentious, since there are compelling reasons both for and against.

              To begin with, parents have a significant influence on their children's behaviour since parents are the main educators and the house is the first classroom where children begin their personality development. From birth through pre-school, children remain in the exclusive care of their parents, which is very beneficial for a person's entire development. Additionally, parents develop a strong emotional connection with their children as a result of their quality time together. As a consequence, they quickly acquire additional characteristics that are undoubtedly beneficial to becoming a contributing member of society. As is often said, being a productive member of society is a significant milestone in a student's life.

                 On the other hand, instructors play a critical part in developing a child's character and personality. Children who engage with others learn the value of collaboration and compromise, which helps develop a person's discipline. Additionally, children are constrained by rigorous rules and regulations in schools, which is one of the main reasons they acquire essential skills, as kids understand that if they disobey, they will face consequences, which helps shape their behaviour.

                To conclude, moral education, in my view, should become an essential component of contemporary education.

256 Words

29. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer 3

Band 6.5

                    There is little room for doubt that the need for moral education in every one's life is paramount. It is true that the last 50 years have seen more changes in students' behaviour than in the previous 200 years. The issue of teaching moral values and duties at home rather than at school is controversial, as there are strong arguments for and against it.

             To begin with, children's behaviour is considerably affected by their parents because parents are the primary teachers and the home is the first school where the personality development of children is initiated. From birth to preschool, children are under the sole custody of their parents, which is utterly advantageous for the overall growth of a person. Moreover, parents have a tremendous emotional bond with their children, as they spend quality time with them. As a result, they easily adopt more qualities that are undeniably advantageous to becoming a genuine member of society. It is rightly said that becoming a useful citizen of society is a milestone in a student's life.

              On the other hand, teachers also have an important role in shaping the character and the personality of a child. When children interact with others, they learn the importance of cooperation and compromise, which makes a person more disciplined. Furthermore, in schools, children are bound by strict rules and regulations, which is one of the primary causes of learning necessary skills, as students know that if they misbehave, they will be punished, which aids in shaping their behaviour.

              To conclude, it seems to me that moral education, in my opinion, should become an integral part of modern education.

272 Words

29. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer 4

Band  7

                   The fact that children are the future of every nation is undeniable, and it is only through the teaching of strong values and ethics to children in their early years that we will be able to build a decent society for ourselves. The issue of whether these values and ethics should be taught by parents or teachers is a controversial one, with strong arguments both for and against them being advanced in both directions.

                  There are a variety of reasons why parents should educate their children on this topic. First and foremost, a parent is a child's first and most important teacher. A kid also absorbs all he sees or hears, and he or she imitates the behaviour of his or her family members. Families may educate their children how to be good citizens by carrying out their duties and providing a positive example for their children. According to a study done by the newspaper "The Times of India," 80 percent of adolescents follow their parents more than they heed their professors. Second, parents are the only ones who are concerned about their children for no other purpose than their own well-being. Furthermore, since they only have accountability for their children, while instructors are accountable for thousands of pupils, it is far easier for parents to instil positive values in their children.

             On the other hand, first and foremost, many parents these days do not have enough time to devote to their children, which means that school is the only place where they can learn how to be a decent person and how to live in society. Aside from that, youngsters spend most of their time at educational institutions and only return home to sleep. As a result, these kids are entirely dependent on their instructors for their general development.

             To conclude, it can be seen clearly that both parents and teachers play a significant part in a child's life, and, as a result, they are both accountable for the development of productive members of the community.

337 Words

29. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer 5

Band  6.5

                 There is little room for doubt that children are the future of every country and if children learn good morals and ethics in their early years, only then will we be able to make a good society for ourselves. The question of whether these morals and ethics should be taught by parents or teachers is contentious, with strong arguments both for and against.

           Certainly, there are many reasons why parents should teach about this. Firstly, a parent is a child's first teacher. A child also absorbs everything he sees or hears and imitates his family members. Parents can teach their children how to be good citizens by carrying out their responsibilities and setting a good example. A survey conducted by "The Times of India" has found that 80% of teenagers obey their parents more than their teachers. Secondly, parents are the only ones who care for their children without any selfish reasons. In addition, they only have responsibility for their children, while teachers are responsible for thousands of students, so it is easy for parents to teach their children good values.

          On the other hand, first of all, these days many parents do not have time for their children which means school is the only place left where they can learn how to be a good human being. Furthermore, after a certain age, children spend most of their time in educational institutes and come home only to sleep; therefore, these students completely depend on their teachers for their overall development.

        To conclude, it can be seen clearly that both parents and teachers play an important role in a child's life, so they are both responsible for creating good members of society.

281 Words

29. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample Answer 6

Band  6.5

                 The world has changed a lot in the last 20 years. No one bothers with bad behavior. Everyone wants respect from people around them. Therefore, good qualities need to be taught in early childhood, but the issue is debatable whether parents should be given responsibility for teaching their children moral values or school.

                  Indeed, parents play a very prominent role in the upbringing of their children because, in many countries, children spend most of their time at home, so it is the best place to learn ethics and social responsibilities. Furthermore, parents know about their children more than anyone else, which means that they know the areas where improvement is needed. That is why it becomes easy for parents to make them learn.

                     Contrarily, one school of thought believes that school is that place where social values are drilled into students' behaviour by telling them stories of some well-known personalities who are models of behaviour, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Ravi Singh. Moreover, unlike parents, teachers have a great sense of conveying messages, since they have to deal with a great many students on a daily basis. For instance, a recent article in the Times of India shows that more than 70% of children are influenced by teachers rather than parents in terms of learning ethics and moral values.

                       To conclude, both parents and teachers play a significant part in a child's development, and, as a result, they are both accountable for making children productive members of the community.

251 Words