IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer 

(Students' Section)


70. Some people think that the modern communication technology has a negative impact on social relationships. 

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 1 


                      There is no doubt that the need for the internet to stay up-to-date in a civilised world is paramount in humans' lives. I, like many others, think that digital communication technology has adverse effects on social relationships, despite having several upsides to the digital means.

                          Indeed, browsing social media websites has numerous downsides. The first one is possibly the risk of addiction, as most young people love to spend an excessive amount of time surfing the internet, which results in individuals becoming so obsessed with Facebook, Whatsapp, and many more, causing them to be unable to socialise with family and friends around them. If young ones use these communication websites regularly, it may affect their interpersonal skills. Added to this, using the internet affects their relationships and causes many physical problems. The sedentry lifestyle causes obesity and strains on eyesight, resulting from excessive use of screens, meaning that people may suffer from poor vision, making them underperform both academically and socially. According to a study conducted by the Times of India, 70% of teenagers have suffered from mobile-phone addiction in China.

                      Despite various drawbacks, these websites have some upsides, since they help to stay connected with relatives and friends, across the world, via the internet, in a minute.

                        To summarise, it seems to me that excessive use of digital technology is causing an unhealthy lifestyle, and our social lifestyle is adversely affected. The internet can be a helpful thing if we use it carefully and under supervision.

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