IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer 

(Students' Section)


77. Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and government should encourage businesses to move from cities to rural areas. 

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 

Sample Answer 1 

BAND 5.5

                              There is little room for doubt that traffic congestion and housing problems are increasing rapidly. I tend to support the government relocating commercial areas to rural areas.

               Certainly, there are numerous benefits to moving businesses to rural areas. One important benefit is that if factories no longer needed to operate in the cities, the quality of the environment in those areas would be greatly improved, which might help people enjoy fresh air and avoid the numerous diseases. Another clear benefit is that it helps to develop backward regions. It also helps improve other facilities, such as wide roads, and other living standards for locals.

                    On the other hand, there are many disadvantages to moving commercial areas to the countryside. The first is that if factories relocated to rural areas, they will increase pollution, such as water pollution, noise pollution, air pollution, and it will reduce the scenic beauty of small towns. Another concern is that if many companies come to the countryside, it may affect numerous employees' lives. According to a survey conducted by The Times of India, 70 per cent of employees are jobless.

                            I agree with those who say that the benefits of moving factories to rural areas outweigh the drawbacks for the reason that it improves the quality of the environment and traffic.

216 Words

77. Traffic and accommodation problems are increasing and government should encourage businesses to move from cities to rural areas. 

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? 

Sample Answer 2 

BAND 6.5

                                        There is no doubting the fact that a significant number of vehicles on roads and buildings in urban areas has been increasing rapidly since industrialisation developed. As a consequence, the environment suffers from climate change, global warming, and many more, but this can be solved by relocating businesses to rural areas. However, this solution causes many disadvantages for businessmen and workers, as there are strong arguments for and against it.

                                   Indeed, moving businesses to countryside has several upsides. Firstly, by decreasing the level of urbanisation. For example, according to a survey conducted by the Hindustan Times, 70% of the rural area population is moving towards cities in search of jobs and education in India. Secondly, to control the increasing number of vehicles on the roads. Therefore, commuters use public transport more, and it also decreases the number of accidents on the roads, so relocating industries and businesses is beneficial for both human lives and the environment. Moreover, such kinds of business strategies provide different opportunities for rural area job seekers.

                                In contrast, despite having many benefits to moving business to the countryside, it has many downsides, too. The first one is that it is quite difficult for urban residential employers to travel every day for their earnings, since they are born in cities. Added to this, the countryside is mostly inconvenient due to the lack of proper facilities such as medical treatment, good education, and many others.

                             In conclusion, it seems to me that there are strong arguments on both sides. I think that its disadvantages outweigh the advantages because if the government does this, it will adversely affect the countryside environment, especially the flora and fauna.

278 Words