IELTS Writing Task

Sample Answer

Band 7+ 

9. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 1

        Living in a country where a foreign language is required can present both practical and social challenges. This essay explores the extent to which I concur or disagree with the aforementioned statement, taking into account the impact of language barriers on social interactions and daily life.

Living in a country with a foreign language presents practical challenges. Communication becomes a barrier, making it difficult to perform daily activities such as purchasing, using public transportation, and obtaining medical care. It becomes difficult to comprehend road signs, public announcements, and official documents. Furthermore, without fluency in the local language, locating employment opportunities and integrating into the workforce can be challenging. These practical issues can lead to frustration and hinder an individual's ability to effectively navigate and acclimatise to the new environment.

        In a country where the dominant language is not English, the language barrier can also cause significant social issues. Language is an indispensable instrument for establishing connections and forging bonds. Ineffective communication can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion. It becomes difficult to establish friends, engage in community activities, and participate in cultural events. Moreover, misunderstanding cultural norms and traditions due to language barriers can result in inadvertent social gaffes. These social issues can have a negative effect on an individual's well-being and sense of belonging.

         In conclusion, I agree that living in a country where speaking a foreign language is required can cause significant social and practical issues. Language barriers can impede daily activities, limit employment opportunities, and impede community integration. Ineffective communication can also result in social isolation and difficulty developing meaningful relationships. Individuals in foreign-language countries should prioritise language learning and pursue opportunities to practise and immerse themselves in the local culture in order to mitigate these challenges. Language proficiency not only facilitates practical aspects but also improves social interactions, resulting in a more enriching and harmonious experience in a country that speaks a different language.

Important Phrases and Vocabulary

Living in a country where a foreign language is required

practical and social challenges

extent to which I concur or disagree

impact of language barriers on social interactions and daily life

presents practical challenges

communication becomes a barrier

difficult to perform daily activities

purchasing, using public transportation, obtaining medical care

comprehend road signs, public announcements, official documents

locating employment opportunities, integrating into the workforce

frustration and hinder an individual's ability

significant social issues

ineffective communication leads to isolation and exclusion

difficult to establish friends, engage in community activities, participate in cultural events

misunderstanding cultural norms and traditions

inadvertent social gaffes

negative effect on an individual's well-being and sense of belonging

language barriers impede daily activities, limit employment opportunities

impede community integration

social isolation and difficulty developing meaningful relationships

individuals in foreign-language countries should prioritize language learning

pursue opportunities to practice and immerse themselves in the local culture

language proficiency facilitates practical aspects

improves social interactions

enriching and harmonious experience in a country that speaks a different language.

9. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 2

Band 7.5

        People are increasingly relocating to foreign countries for a variety of reasons, including furthering their education, conducting business, or taking a vacation. There is an opinion that this could result in several social and practical difficulties, and I concur.

           Indeed, there can be no denying that choosing to live in a country other than yours offers numerous benefits as well as challenges. It is crucial to keep in mind that you can reap the benefits only if you are fluent in the language of the land. Otherwise, your social and public life might be utterly disadvantaged. The first of several difficulties in dealing with the indigenous people is when you are unable to interact effectively with your peers, which creates problems not only at work but also in everyday life. Consider the simple act of purchasing groceries; many non-native speakers find it difficult simply because they do not know how to describe what they are looking for. Second, finding and then keeping a job becomes very difficult in the absence of local language proficiency.

           When it comes to the social aspect, one may be denied social acceptance from local communities if one lacks in local language abilities. Thus, not being able to communicate effectively might also discourage individuals from interacting with others around them, resulting in their social estrangement and alienation. There are also times when people offend innocent people because they do not know how to express themselves in a given situation.

         To conclude, a language not only serves as a means of communication, but also determines the quality of one's public and private life. 

266 Words

9. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 3

Band 7.5

                                                  Nowadays, a large number of individuals migrate from their home nation to live overseas. The most prevalent issue encountered by migrants is the language barrier. I am a firm believer that if you live in a place where you are required to speak the local language and are not proficient enough, you may suffer significant social and practical consequences.

                                                Communication is necessary for all types of creatures to establish themselves in a new location, and language serves as the foundation for such communication. For instance, if you want to rent an apartment or obtain work, you must communicate your message effectively and clearly to the individuals who deal with these matters. A person's ability to communicate effectively is critical; otherwise, he or she may struggle to create acquaintances or relationships, thus damaging their social life. It is challenging to socialise with those who do not speak your language as all. Surviving in a situation where you must communicate in a foreign language might result in misunderstanding, which can cause problems. For instance, your realtor may have misunderstood your housing requirements due to the language barrier, resulting in practical difficulties.

                                                      Apart from the aforementioned issues, individuals can attempt to mitigate the barrier by educating and preparing themselves beforehand. This would significantly improve the ease and comfort of living in a foreign nation.

                                             In conclusion, I agree to a large extent that living in a nation where a foreign language is required may be difficult at times. It may be challenging due to the potential of miscommunication and the inability to mix up with other individuals.

264 Words

9. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 4

Band 7

                     A great many people are migrating nowadays leaving their native country to settle abroad. The most common problem people faced after migrating is the language barrier. I firmly believe that if you are living in a country where you have to speak their native language, and you are not fluent enough, then you might have to face some serious social and practical implications. 

                 Communication is the key for all kinds of things to settle in a different place and language is the basis of that communication. For example, if you want to rent an apartment or find a job then you need to convey your message properly and clearly to the people dealing with these things. A person should be able to talk fluently otherwise it might be difficult for him/her to make any friends or connections, thus impacting their social life. It is difficult to socialize with folks around you who do not speak your language at all. Surviving at a place where you need to be conveying your message in a different language can lead to miscommunication causing trouble. For example, your needs for an apartment were not fully understood by your agent because of the language barrier, leading to practical problems. 

                  Besides all the above-mentioned problems people can try to reduce the barrier by learning and training themselves beforehand. This would make living in a foreign country much more comfortable and easy. 

                          In conclusion, I agree to a large extent that living in a nation where a foreign language is required may be difficult at times. It may be challenging due to the potential of miscommunication and the inability to mix up with other individuals.

278 Words

9. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 5

Band 6.5

                                       There is little doubt that the last 15 years have witnessed more changes in the way of communication than the previous 30 years. I, like many others, believe that a person faces many problems when he or she visits any other country without having knowledge of their culture as well as their language.

                               Indeed, there are numerous upsides to having knowledge related to different languages. One of the most important is that the communication gap has been reduced, meaning that most people visit other countries without searching for information about the culture and the values that a country follows. Moreover, if people enhance their language skills, there might be no difficulty in living in a country. Additionally, people can easily communicate with locals; furthermore, they can also visit historical places by interacting with local people. According to a survey conducted by the Times of India, 70% of Indian citizens travel to distinct countries to find a peaceful job for themselves, but companies select only those candidates who can speak their native language fluently.

                       On the other hand, there is no denying the fact that if a person is not aware of local language skills, he or she might be ignored by the locals. Consequently, having language proficiency may help one to interact with locals. Furthermore, a person will also be aware of the culture as well as the countries they like to visit. Hence, having language proficiency might help migrants socialise with locals.

                         To conclude, people should be aware of the language as well as the culture of a country they are travelling to because these facts might improve their communication.

271 Words

9. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer 6

Band 6.5

                                               There is no denying the fact that an alarming number of people are migrating to foreign countries. People migrate to acquire better education for tourism and a job. However, they may face severe social and practical problems. I firmly believe that language can become a barrier.

                                           First and foremost, people may face trouble finding accommodation. If a person is not able to express his or her needs, it may be difficult to get a perfect place to live in. Thus, they can not negotiate easily and have to pay rent, which they may not afford. Furthermore, an individual might face problems with buying basic necessities because they may not be familiar with local languages. Local shopkeepers and vendors only know their native language, so this is one of the most severe social problems. Another social problem people may face is that they can not make friends due to a language barrier. Thus, they feel isolated, and this may affect their mental health.

                                         Turning to practical problems, people may face these problems during their jobs, as they may not easily communicate with their colleagues. Hence, this may affect their working potential and confidence. This may lead to people being less productive. In addition to this, students may face this problem, too. They may not communicate with their peers. This may affect their academic performance and careers.

                                 In conclusion, it seems to me that language plays a crucial role in living a comfortable life in society. People should learn the foreign language of that place to avoid social and practical problems.                              

                                     259 Words



9. Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Sample Answer-2

Band 8

         Individuals are increasingly migrating to other nations for several reasons, including advancing their education, doing business, or just enjoying a holiday. This, others argue, might result in a slew of social and practical challenges, which I agree with.

         There can be no doubt that choosing to live in a country other than your own has many advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to bear in mind that you can only profit if you are proficient in the local language. Otherwise, your social life and overall well-being may be severely harmed. The first of the several issues is dealing with the indigenous people. When you are unable to communicate successfully with your peers, you run into difficulties not just at job but also in daily life. Consider the basic process of grocery shopping; many non-native speakers struggle simply because they lack the vocabulary necessary to define what they are searching for. Second, without skill in the local language, obtaining and then maintaining employment becomes very difficult.

            When it comes to the social element, if one lacks the ability to communicate in the local language, he or she may face social rejection from local populations. Thus, the inability to communicate successfully may deter people from connecting with others, resulting in social estrangement and alienation. Additionally, there are situations when individuals insult innocent individuals simply because they lack the ability to articulate themselves appropriately in a certain scenario.

            To summarise, language is not just a method of communication; it also affects the quality of one's public and private life.

256 Words

Author: Dr Vishal Goyal

